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It was 2036, may 6th...

"I called her over and over again...I guess she changed her number or blocked's no getting through to her jo." Lizzie says as she walked into the room.

"Keep calling her Lizzie! I can't give birth to our baby girl if she's not here." Josie whined in pain.

"You can do it are a sting independent women and you don't need that short ass brick stone." Lizzie says

Josie could almost smile if it wasn't for her pain.

"UGHHH!" Josie groaned

"I'll go get the doctor." Lizzie assured

:End of flashback

"I'm going to spend the day with liv today...I want you to go spend some time with your family or go to the spa." Hope says as she walked over to the closest door.

"You guys are my family." Josie assured

"I know..but I don't want to sit around waiting for Janice next move so...I want you to go have some fun while I spend some time with our daughter trying to make up the time I missed with her.." Hope sighed

"It's my fault." Josie says

"It's's my fault.." Hope says

"Mom!" Liv ran down the stairs.

"Are you ready sweetheart? Are you ready?" Hope asked

"Yes I'm weady mom! I'm weady!" Liv jumped up and down in her fur boats and coat.

"Someone's birthday is coming up...we need to go shopping." Hope says as she picked up liv.

Liv kissed all over hopes face..

"As much as I love your kisses liv.... We should get going." Hope says as she fixed livs jacket.

"Now you are making mommy jealous liv." Josie says

"I wove you too mommy!" Liv clapped her hands together.

"I know baby." Josie says as she got up and walked over to Hope and liv.

"I love you too" Josie added as she pecked livs cheek.

"And me?" Hope asked as she tilted her head.

"YEAH YEAH! Do you wove mom?" Liv asked matching hopes head tilt.

"Of course I do." Josie says still looking at liv

Hope just watched as Josie and liv smiled

She couldn't wish for anything better in the world.

"Okay we should get going." Hope says

"Okay but hold up." Josie says before running into the kitchen

"What's mommy getting?" Liv asked as she turned to face Hope

Hope just shrugged her shoulders.

"Here." Josie ran back out of the kitchen with liv teddy bear.

"Mr.cuddles! I fowgot" liv smiled

"It's okay baby." Josie says as she blushed livs hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.

"And as for you" Josie says

She leaned over and pecked Hope on the lips.

"Have fun." Josie whispered

Hope smiled as did liv and they left out of the house.

"So..I have a new house that I want to show you." Hope says as she put liv in her car seat.

"New house? Cool." Liv says

"Just to let you know...that would mean you would have two rooms." Hope says

"But what about you and mom? You not live gether?" Liv asked

"Uhh— and mommy aren't together liv." Hope says

Liv pouts

"No! No! No!" Liv screamed out.

Liv never acted this way with Hope.

"We can talk about this later liv." Hope says

"No mom! I want live with mommy and you!" Liv threw her tantrum

"I'll ask your mommy." Hope lied.

"Pwomise?" Liv asked

"I—how about we play some music?" Hope asked

"No mom! You have to pwomise first." Liv says as she held on tightly to mr.cuddles.

"I can't do that liv." Hope says

"Why not?" Liv asked

"Because I don't want to lie to you liv." Hope admits

"But mom—"

"Why don't we talk about something the art thing you did in class." Hope says

"Oh yeah...I copy you painting in you car." Liv admits

"It looks wonderful." Hope smiled


They had showed up at the toy store.

"Birthday is on may..6th..and I turn 4" liv says as she held up 5 fingers.

"That's 5 fingers sweetie...want me to help you count? I could teach you." Hope says

"No mom..I do by myself." Liv says before running off to one of the toy Barbie dolls.

Hope smiled at her before she turned around to face some near by store.

It caught hopes eye.

"Liv let's get your toys and then I need to go get your mommy a gift." Hope says as she turned around to liv.

"Yay!" Liv jumped up and down.

"Get anything you want princess." Hope says as she held livs hand.

"Okay mom!" Liv says


They spent hours of shopping...they brought Liv so much stuff


A doll house.
34 dolls
10 stuffed animals
A lifetime of clothes.
Baby crocs
A scooter
A bike with training wheels
Helmets (for bike)
Knee pads (for bike)
Shoulder pads (for bike)
7 new books
15 pairs of designer shoes

By the time they get everything set up, Hope will have to buy Liv a whole brand new house for herself

Hope knew that money couldn't but happiness but she was willing to do anything for her princess.

Instead of going back to Josie's house...Hope decided to take Liv to hopes new home for the first time.

The car was full of stuff..and Hope had to go back to the store later on to get the rest because she couldn't fit everything in the car

"Where we mom?" Liv asked as she rubbed her eyes

"We are at the place I'm going to be staying at." Hope says

"Like your home?" Liv tilted her head

"There is no home without you..." Hope paused for a minute. "And your mommy." Hope murmured saying it more to herself.

"Mmm, it's so big!" Liv ran around the house.

"You want me and your mommy to live together?" Hope asked

Liv pecked her head out from the living room.

"Yes..." Liv raised her eye brow

She is so adorable

"Why don't we go ring shopping for mommy...what do you say...can you keep a secret?"

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