"Oh my gosh! Madeline you look absolutely stunning. You're gonna make Jack's jaw drop" The thought of Jack seeing me in this made me smile. I was so excited for my wedding day.


    Today Is the day!! I've been waiting forever! I was in my beautiful wedding dress on this beautiful August morning. JJ had just finished my hair and makeup, I was now outside carefully eating my breakfast. I was praying I wouldn't mess up my makeup until the ceremony, unless JJ got me waterproof mascara.

   I heard JJ open the door, I looked over and saw my father. I had just got in my dress. The moment he saw me, tears filled his eyes. I watched as tears fell down his face while crying.

   "You look beautiful Honey!" He whispered, pulling me into a hug.

    "Thank you! I love you Dad." I smiled.

   "Hey, don't think you're too old for me, I'm always one phone call away." I smiled and thanked him.

   We quickly made it to the venue, a beautiful farm, and we all got ready waiting for guests to arrive. Once they arrived the music began to play. I watched everyone walk down the aisle until it was just Dad and I.

   "I love you honey." He whispered, holding his arm out.

    "I love you dad." I smiled, linking our arms.

    We walked from behind the barn, and instantly made eye contact with Jack. Tears flooded his eyes, mine were filling up as well. We slowly made our way to the priest and my father handed me off to Jack.

   "You hurt my daughter, the team will kill you." Dad whispered to Jack. We both chuckled at the statement knowing very well Jack would not hurt me.

   "You look stunning." He whispered.

    "You look very handsome" I grinned and laughed.

   The priest began to talk but I didn't hear a word he said, I was lost in his beautiful eyes. I was lost in the fact I was marrying the love of my life when everyone told me I was not capable of having love. Wasn't capable of being loved. I have found my soulmate and nobody can tell me differently.

    "Jack, Would you like to say your vows?" the Pastor asked.

    "Yes," He nervously replied.

     "Madeline Diana Reid, I love you with my whole heart. You have helped me through the darkest parts of my life. Making me a better person and making me the best guy I can be. I'll forever be your superhero, you lifeguard, your lover. No matter what happens we will forever be together in our hearts, our souls. I promise to challenge and push you to achieve all your goals as you would do me. I promise to leave my apple cores and dirty butter knives on the counter. I vow to be the best part of me that fit so perfectly with the best parts of you. Although there will be times we fight, I'm imperfect, I pledge to be sensitive and respectful of you and your unique talents, abilities, and quirks. I love you Mads. With this ring let it be known that I want you and only you, with this ring I make you my wife." He proudly spoke, tears running down his face. I smiled at him, as tears trickled down my face as well, he slowly placed the ring on my finger.

    "Madeline, your vows." The pastor says, I reached to get my vows from JJ.

     "Sorry if this is too long but I have a lot to say." Jack smiled, and squeezed my hand

   "As Jack already said, we went through hell together. I would like to push that aside. I want to think of our future, not our past. So, Jack Hotchner, From this moment on I take you as my husband, emergency contact, lover, and partner in crime. I promise to always treat you with respect. I promise to love you for who you are, and never try to change you. I promise to keep your secrets. I promise to be your teammate and friend in all things. If you lose your job, I doubt you will since your dad is the boss, I will support us. I promise to be a good mother to our children.

    An enemy of yours is an enemy of mine now, well officially. When we fight, I promise to work through it. If you get sick, I promise to care for you. If you are murdered, I promise to avenge you. If you murder someone, Ill be there to help destroy the evidence so you dont go to jail. If you go to jail, I promise to wait for you.

   As I stand here before you, looking into your eyes, I see all of the things I fell in love with. As I stand before you, my heart is beating so strongly, I find myself so lost for the right words to say. As I stand here before you, the ring in my hand, it makes me remember how complete you make my life. It makes me remember every laugh we've ever shared, every hard time we made it through together, and every beautiful moment there is to come.

    I give you this ring, my heart, my soul. I give you everything today as I stand before you. I promise to love you, protect you, be with you forever, and cherish every moment.

   With this ring, let it be known I choose you. Let it be known, that this ring, I promise to be with you for all eternity, 'til death do us part." By the end, almost everyone is crying. Even the pastor was in tears. I slowly slid the ring onto his finger

   "Y-you may kiss the bride." The pastor stated.

   He dipped me and gave me the most loving, passionate kiss he ever gave. I felt safe, I felt at home.

   Cheers and applause were echoing through the valleys and mountains. People from all over came to our wedding, to watch us be united as one.

   Once at the reception we indeed danced to Forever and Ever amen just like I always wanted to do. I indeed danced with all the men in my life for the father-daughter dance. I knew from this day on my life will be amazing. I was now complete. I was officially a Hotchner. I'm officially at home and happy.

A/n: or will the happiness end? will jack die? will Madeline die?

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