"My point" she mumbled opening the door

She left and i sighed driving off

Why i had to be born like this

I called Spirit and it went straight to voicemail

She trippin

I drove to her house and seen her car along with another one was parked outside

I got out the car and opened the door walking inside

Our eyes met and she rolled her eyes

"Excuse me" she told the boy

Bet you it's her "work partner"

"Kaiser i was serious about not wanting to talk to you anymore, get out" she said trying to push me out the door

"Come on man don't be like that" i said moving her hands off my chest

She look good too

"Spirit i need you rn, i need to talk"

"You said i can come and talk to you when i needed it"

I don't got shit to talk about

"Well that was before you started acting like a jackass"

She love calling me a donkey

"Frl Spirit" i said tilting my head to the side a little making that li sad vulnerable look in my eyes

"Kaiser get out"

Ight i guess we gotta do this hard way

"Ight man" i walked out the house

She not leaving me this easy


"You need anything baby"? the nurse asked sitting a jello cup in front of me

"No ma'am, but um can you call my girlfriend"? i asked

"Sure thing what's her name and number"?

I gave it to her and she walked out the room

I maybe sorta called the police and told them i was about to kill myself

Now im the hospital eating jello waiting on my baby

this is nun to play with y'all but im doing for the book don't start wimme deadass -piimpdaddykiraa

A little while later Spirit walked in the room

"Girlfriend" i smiled

She ignored me sat in the chair by the bed

"They wouldn't let you come in if i didn't say you was my girlfriend"

"What happened"? she asked

"I was tryna tell you when i came over to the house but you didn't care" i shrugged

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