Chapter 19

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"Never be ashamed of how much you love or how quickly you fall. Love fully, love completely, and most importantly, love naturally. Never apologise for loving the way your heart knows."

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George wakes up to a deafening ringing in his ears and dust attacking his already watery eyes. He's on the floor; he knows that much. He can't find Dream, but he can't be far away.

He doesn't want him to be far away. He needs him right now.

The ringing seems to pulse through his head like his heartbeat, quickening with anxiety. He sits up and wipes his eyes, finally blinking enough to attempt to take in his surroundings.

There's clouds of dust and swarms of people all around him, lots of shouting and screaming. Soon, he was being hauled off the floor and a vest being shoved on him. He's handed a gun and someone shouts something at him; he can't hear what they're saying but he lipreads a very clear, "Go!". He's pushed from behind before he can protest and then is hurled into the battlefield, swarmed by a group of armed men, heading into the house.

They mistook George for a fighter and now he has to fight like his life depends on it: it does.

Dream wakes to chest compressions and mouth to mouth. The contact shocks him and he takes the nearest man by the throat, shouting for George. The man can barely talk with the strangling grip that Dream had on him, so, he points to the doors.

It's quite clear that there was a short, out of place looking man marching into a house full of murderers. Dream shoves the man away out of pure frustration and he picks up the nearest gun. He thinks about grabbing a vest but determines he doesn't have time.

He had to go save George.

He wipes his clothes down, the black top now looking a dirty shade of brown, and calls for help. A group is quickly formulated and they march together into the wretched house in front of them.

He keeps his eyes open, his gun ready, and his footsteps silent.

The house is a mess, the gunfire had started tearing up the walls. He can barely see a thing, the power seemed to be out. He signals for parts of the group to branch off and search in smaller parties.

Dream and two others took the stairs, being extremely mindful of snipers. They could be anywhere. So could George.

He was scared. And he was okay with admitting that to himself. Fuelling the fear is much more useful than being controlled by it. He heard screams coming from his left and raised a hand in the air, motioning for the men to stop. He reaches out to the nearest door handle and checks the room. The men around him do the same, each shouting a small, "clear" after they do.

Dream pulls the last one open and is met with the Petrouve Mafia's daughter. He instructs the remaining men behind him to escort her out safely. They protest; he'd be left alone. But he urges them to leave and continues searching the house.

As he continues his journey, he notices that the background noise begins to diminish. Engines begin to start up. Cars begin to pull away. He carefully positions himself next to the  nearest window and watches as the whole Petrouve clan begins moving out.

He catches their leaders eye just before he lands himself in Dream's car. He gives a solemn look and sits down, closing the door.

Fucking cunts, Dream thinks.

After all he's done? He wasn't completely surprised which tells him something. But he didn't see George leave.

So does that mean George is still here? In the house?

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