Stubborn Ass...

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Genre: Fluff, a little angst

3rd POV
     Aizawa walked home, slower than usual due to his limp. Yeah, his patrol wasn't easy this time around. He was called for suspected gang activity around 2 am, but wasn't expecting a war! He dealt with most of them without much issue, but one of them had a knife on him, and he got a good hit to the leg.  So yeah, today wasn't a very good day to start with.

     He took a deep breath before coming up to his house, but then he checked his phone for the time. He groaned a bit when he saw that he had to get to the school now. He hurried as best he could, holding back hisses of pain with every step. He saw Yamada outside the door, so he went up and kissed him on the cheek like he always did. He's never been more thankful for baggy black clothes...

     Yamada looked over with a smile, "Hey Sho! How was patrol?" Aizawa just shrugged. He didn't want to blatantly lie to his husband, but he didn't want him to worry either. He had a class to teach, and an injury had never stopped him from doing that before.

     Aizawa walked with Yamada to his classroom, then to his own. He barely stopped himself from grimacing with every step, since he wasn't letting himself limp with Zashi around. He would worry, and he didn't want that.

     He sighed when he heard the noise in his classroom from outside the door. He moved his leg a little to make sure he wasn't still bleeding noticeably. He didn't feel anything running down his leg anymore, so he assumed it had started to scab over. He walked in tiredly, not really wanting to teach, but having to.

     The day seemed to go by very slowly for Aizawa, standing still whenever he could. His leg was throbbing fiercely, but he didn't react. He knew he had very observant students in his classes. He sighed quietly with relief when the last bell rang, his class leaving. He left himself, meeting Yamada in the hallway for them to walk home. As they normally did.

     It was an uneventful walk home, Yamada rambling enthusiastically about his day, and Aizawa making acknowledgements when needed. It wasn't a long walk, so they got home soon. Aizawa excused himself up shower, since he didn't get the chance in the morning.

     It was supposed to just be a quick thing, but it proved to be more difficult when he found out that the wound on his leg had scabbed to his pants. He tried to peel it off, but it was stuck good. He tried to just rip it off, but that didn't work either. A sharp wave of pain flashed through his leg, and he couldn't help the shouted curse that he let out.

     Yamada heard it, unsurprisingly, and went up. "Are you alright in there?" Aizawa groaned quietly, "I'm fine." How the fuck was he supposed to get this off? Yamada didn't believe him much, so he went in.

     Yamada furrowed his brows at the sight of his husband, sitting on the toilet struggling with his pants. "What happened?"

     Aizawa groaned and leaned his head back, mumbling, "My fucking pants are stuck..."

     Yamada was very confused, "Stuck on what?" His pants were baggy so it can't be skin, so what was it?

     Aizawa sighed, "Cut on my leg..." Yamada furrowed his brows and knelt down to take a look. When he lifted the fabric around where it was stuck, he was shocked at how big it was, and how much it had bled. "Why didn't you say anything about this?"

     "I had shit to do..." Aizawa mumbled. Yamada just sighed, helping him take the fabric off. It wasn't without pain, and it started bleeding sluggishly again, but it was off.

      Yamada was quiet as he cleaned and bandaged it up, barely apologizing when he heard Aizawa hiss at the alcohol sting. Yamada lightly patted Aizawa's knee when he was done, saying simply, "You can shower now," before heading back downstairs.

     Aizawa was worried about what waited for him when he got done, but did what he was told.

     Yamada went downstairs with a sigh, heading to the kitchen to get one of his energy drinks. Why wouldn't Sho tell him about something like this? Hell now that he thinks about it, he doesn't ever know what injuries he gets when he's on patrol, the big ones or the small ones. He never talks about his patrol, even the things he might need to know. Or even doesn't need to know, but they're married, so he should know anyways.

     Aizawa took a quick shower, almost nervous for what he would be met with when he went downstairs. Zashi was quiet while he worked, and that never happens. Nevertheless, he went down when he was dressed, limping slightly.

     The house was quiet for a few moments, Yamada drinking his energy drink and Aizawa not-so-excitedly waiting for the reprimand.

     Yamada speaks quietly once the can is empty. "Sho, why don't you tell me things?" Aizawa was shocked a bit, and stayed quiet. Yamada continued when he didn't get an answer, getting slightly louder as he continued, "I never know what you do on patrol, you never tell me any injuries you might get, no matter how hurt you are. Just last month, you didn't even tell me you were being sent across the country for a few days until the day before you left. And when you got back, you didn't say anything about your injuries, even though they put you in the hospital for a few days. Shouldn't I know these things?"

     Aizawa's guilt was building in his chest with every one of Yamada's words, because every one of them was true. He stayed quiet, because he didn't know what he was supposed to say.

     Yamada sighed heavily at the silence, feeling hurt as he went on. "Why don't you tell me things? Do you not trust me? If that's the case, you could've said something earlier. We've been married for ten years now, Sho. And this hasn't changed. You don't tell me things, even when I need to know them. What, am I not good enough to know what goes on with you?" He was angry, and Aizawa was gonna hear him.

     Aizawa was taken aback by the harsh words, trying his best to stutter something out, even when he had no excuse. "It's not- I-I just-"

     Yamada was fed up, "Just what, Shouta? What's your excuse this time?" It was always different, and he was tired of it.

     Aizawa was stunned into silence, looking down guiltily. He knew Yamada was right, he didn't have anything to defend himself. Even if he tried, he would just make himself look stupid, and make Yamada even angrier.

     After a few minutes of silence, Yamada sighed heavily. His anger had dissipated at the look on Aizawa's face, replaced with a feeling of sadness and worry. Yamada stepped forward and used a couple fingers under Aizawa's chin to bring his head up. "Look, I love you, Sho, but I worry about you. You get yourself hurt, and you don't even tell me. What if one day, you land yourself in the hospital and I don't know? What if one day you get yourself killed, and I don't know until the hospital calls your contacts?" He knows Aizawa can handle himself, but he gets in over his head sometimes, and he doesn't say anything.

     Aizawa's eyes filled with tears, and he nodded. He spoke softly, "I know, I'm sorry... Sometimes I get so busy, and I forget, and I don't want to get your mood down when you're always so happy." He knows they weren't very valid excuses, but they were all he had.

     Yamada sighed softly and brought Aizawa into a hug. "I love you, but I have to know things. It doesn't matter my mood." He pet the back of Aizawa's head gently, knowing it would calm him.

     Aizawa nodded and hugged back, "I'm sorry, I'll do better." He really meant it. "... You wanna know how my patrol went?" He figured he'd start now.

     Yamada smiled and nodded, "Sure." He was curious as to what had went down that he got this kind of injury. He was happy that Aizawa was really trying. He listened eagerly as Aizawa spoke, adding in the necessary comments and nods. He hoped it would stay like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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