Haganezuka Throws A Tantrum

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A silence that teetered on the line of comfort and tense engulfed you both. Unable to handle the silence for any moment longer, you spoke up, "Hey.. why did you even bring us to your estate?"

Shinobu ever so slightly turned her head to you, "Everyone officially recognized Nezuko's existence. Plus, you were all extremely injured. Also, I'd be lying if I said that you and your... abilities didn't intrigue me."

Her words faltered, just before she confidently stated, "And then.. I wanted to entrust my dream in you."

You widened your eyes.

'Shit, shit shit! She's supposed to be saying this to Tanjirou, what the hell do I have to do with it?! Fuck!!'

"A dream? But.. why in me?"

"My dream is to get along with demons. I'm sure you can do it. As for why; well.. you seem like a driven and determined young woman.", Shinobu softly spoke.

You reeled your mind for any key details you'd been missing in the specific scene that you were now living out.

Turning to Shinobu, you reluctantly questioned, "Are you.. angry, Shinobu?"

She stilled, her mask of an expression falling—her lips parting in complete shock.

"I'm able to easily read other's emotions", you scrambled, hoping to sell the lie, "Even though you're smiling all the time, I can't help but notice that you're angry."

Seeming to process your words, Shinobu looked forwards—as if she were ashamed for being found out, "I—I guess so. I might usually be angry. From the moment my beloved big sister got slaughtered by demons, every time I saw the tears of the people whose loved ones got taken away by demons, every time I hear shrieks of despair.. the anger inside me grows larger."

You stayed silent, allowing her to speak her truths, "I have repulsive feelings that I can't help. I'm sure... the other pillars can relate. You see, my sister.. she was a kind person like you. She sympathized with demons and humans, despite their differences."

"I could never think that. Having pity on those who have killed innocent people? That's crazy talk. But... if it's how my sister, Kanae, felt.. I must follow in her footsteps. If there is a way to end all this, without killing anything else, I must continue to think about it. I will not let the smile, which my sister said she loved, burn out."

You allowed a brief pause of silence to settle, before adding, "But it's just.. a little tiring, isn't it?"

Surprised, Shinobu abruptly turned to you, falling silent as she awaited for you to continue.

"I.. know how it feels—to try and convince yourself to think everything's okay, even if you're not whatsoever. I.. I'm actually in a similar situation."

Thinking back on your treasured twin, you subconsciously cracked a smile, "I haven't seen my twin brother in years. We were separated. I try to act like it doesn't affect me; that I'm fine. But I'm not. I know it's unhealthy, but I can't help it."

"But.. I like to think if he were here, he'd tell me off for getting in my head about it. I'd like to think he'd console me—say that it's okay to not feel okay. And.. I'm sure your sister, Kanae, would say the same."

You turned to Shinobu, meeting her watchful gaze, "If your sister truly cared for you—which I can positively say she did—she'd want you to act how you truly feel."

She seemed to fully take in your words, surprised at your sudden act of wisdom. Her eyes softened, "I.. thank you, (Y/N). Your words mean more than you could know."

𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑨𝑹  ⤶ 「 𝑲𝑵𝒀 𝑿 𝑴𝑶𝑫𝑬𝑹𝑵 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑹 」Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin