Searching for a dress I decided to go with this cute latex dress with slits on the side of it in the color of Y/f/c. It was beautiful and I was in love with it. I matched it with a chained belt in that was black and some fishnets with cute boot heels. I was comfortable enough to change in front of Stephanie since we've been friends for years. Taking off my shirt I hear her whistle and I laugh at her "Really?" "Yes really girl." She places and hand on her hip and snaps causing me to laugh harder than last time.

Finally calming I slide on the dress and slide off my jeans. I then realized I need to put on the fishnets and lift the dress up a little so I can. Putting on the belt and shoes with speed all that was left was my jacket and makeup. The event started in 1 hour which was very late for Stephanie, so she gives me a hug goodbye and leaves. I get a message and it's all the info of the event and then I remember I never texted the gc back! Thank god they didn't spam me but there were quite a couple messages like "No I cant." and "It's a all women event." "stuff to do" "Congrats!" all of that stuff but one did catch my eye. Rhea said she was here "How come I never saw her?" but I just reply with a simple ok and thank you since I was trying to hurry. I run over to the bathroom to do my makeup and decide to match the color of my dress with eyeshadow, a little white glitter in the corner of my eye, bold eyeliner, and a little lip gloss for my lips. I didn't wanna go all out but still wanted to look cute.

Looking down at my phone I see I have 30 minutes till it starts so I grab a newly bought perfume and decide to use it. Spraying a few sprits on my body I then grab my backpack and continue out the door. I didn't run into anyone so they must all be there already and I had to call a taxi cause I didn't have anyone to take me. When I got down to the lobby a certain woman bumps into me. I look up to see a rushed Shayna, damn how many times am I gonna run into this woman? "Sorry sorry, wait  Y/n?" she pauses and so does my heart when she mentions my name "why are you alone?" I really need to calm down so I can get this out. "A certain person forgot that she is supposed to drive me so i'm getting a taxi." She looks like she is thinking before she talks again "You could ride with me, we are going to the same place right?" My heart stops, me? ride with her? holy shit- before I could think this threw my voice has betrayed me "Yeah sure." I say with a big smile and it seems my face has flushed more than it was when she bumped into me. "Then it's settled come on Ms.Hall of fame." She says the last part with a small laugh and I shockingly laugh at the name she calls me while following behind her.

We walk up to her car and she unlocks it and both of us get in. She starts the car and starts to pull out of the hotel parking lot. When we were on the road she speaks to me again "So" She pauses "Hall of fame huh?" I don't flinch or look her way cause I knew that my heart would explode just looking at her. "Well almost my ceremony is next week." "Ahh so almost, so your that good hm? You look young." I laugh at this and she glances at me in confusion "Im 35." I can hear a small sound of surprise come from her "Really? You look a lotttt younger." "You wouldn't be the first to say that, but yeah I guess to everyone I dominated the whole women's and men's division if you ask around." I keep looking out the window trying so hard not to lose my cool. We don't talk for the rest of the time and I keep looking out the door trying to control my breathing.
I was backstage watching the intense match between Kairi Sane and Shayna. I was definitely rooting for Shayna as I always have and I could tell we were getting close to the end. All of these matches were really good and I was having the time of my life but when I heard the count of 3 and Shaynas theme play I lost it all. I was hugging Rhea who was surprisingly still sweaty from her dark match. I was jumping up and down and was very very hyped, Rhea however was trying to calm me down since there was people staring. I laugh and breath heavily as I used a lot of energy with freaking the fuck out. Rhea knew about my crush on Shayna and she would always tease me about it but I didn't care cause god that woman looked so good right now. Still holding onto Rhea I can hear her laugh and I playfully hit her on the shoulder. I watch on the television of Shayna celebrating with her fans. She looked so adorable posing and doing whatever.

Snapping back to reality Rhea was pointing out that she was coming back stage and that I should probably calm down. She was laughing at me while I took deep breaths and sat down. "Oh shush." She calms down a little to speak up "I'm sorry I'm sorry it's not funny it's not." She is still laughing a little but officially calms down.

I got up cause I wanted food "You want food?" she thinks for a moment and agrees. She gets up and we both walk over to a food court to get some food. On our way we pass Shayna and I agreed to myself to say something "Hey! good job on the win!" She looks over to me and takes out her mouth guard "Thank you Ms.Hall of Fame." I roll my eyes with a slight smile and we continue on. Obviously I was blushing, it was hard not to every time I saw her "Awww is someone blushinggg." I hear Rhea tease a little bit and I shove her "Oh you didn't!" "Oh I did!" I smile but it instantly falls when I saw her start to come after me. Mine and Rhea's friend ship was if we were little kids, she was chasing after me and I was running to the food court.

Finally making it we decide to stop running and stop to get a breather. We were breathing heavily and laughing at each other, Rhea was the sweetest person I know and it was always fun to be with her. Giving each other a high five we walk over to where the food was and we grabbed plates to fill up. However while we were filling our plates Sasha Banks walked up to us, Me and her didn't hang out as much as I would want to but she was a pretty cool person. "Hey guys!" Me and Rhea replied with a hello and looked at her, food in hand. "So someone rented out a airbnb and we all decided to have a party there! It's kinda away from the city and more secluded. I wanted to invite you to the party!" Me and Rhea looked at each other before smiling and looking at Sasha "We accept" We said this in unison cause us all to laugh a small bit "Well I cant wait to see you there! Cya!" We say goodbye to Sasha and we start giggling excited about the party.

We go and sit down at a table to eat and start talking and catching up about what's been happening. Talking to Rhea was so easy and you didn't have to put all you effort into it. She always had something to talk about somehow and I loved listening to her stories.
We kept talking and eating till all of our food was gone and we threw away our plates. However we heard a bell ding and cheering from the crowd meaning someone just won and it was time for Rondas match. I couldn't miss this so I grabbed Rhea by the arm and start going to the closest TV. I watch Ronda walk out and I smile. I never got to know her but she always seemed cool and I've always wanted to be her friend but never got the chance to.

I watched closely as the match began. Ronda was getting absolutely demolished by the twins and I felt bad but I kept my hope up. Heart stopping when she would get pinned and releasing a breath when she kicked out.

It was a intense match and I watched very closely maybe even more close than Shaynas match. This was the whole entire main event, one of been awaiting since I found out this match.
After a agonizing 14 minutes, Ronda finally won and like Shayna I jumped up and yelled but this time so many other people did. She was a very loved person and watching her win was heart warming. Then I heard someone yell "COME ON GUYS WE HAVE TO CELEBRATE WITH HER!" All of the womens locker room gathered up and ran out from the backstage to go celebrate with her. I was at the front and I'm pretty sure everyone recognized me as a few people yelled my name and I just waved as celebrated with her. I was in the back with Rhea and was yelling with rest of the ladies and crowd.
We were out there for a little bit longer but eventually we all went back stage and everyone was getting their congratulations in order. While I was talking to Rhea and Toni we all hear someone yell. "WHOS READY TO PARTY!" That's when everyone cheered and started disbanding and going back to the hotel to get ready.

Genuinely I was wondering how this party would go, but I know for sure it was gonna be fun.

Word count 2637

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