Our Little 'Bitch'

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Read the desc for more info! This contains Cussing, Mature and other TW for yall and this is a Modern AU but HinaEmma is a Cheater- Anyways les go!

Takemichi's POV

I woke up in a sound of my alarm, It was calming but it's annoying hehe.. I got up and went to the Bathroom to get Cleansed and brush my Teeth. After I was done I went to my Closet to change into my Uniform as usual, Then I went down stairs to get my Lunch and Breakfast ready. After I ate I packed up and I went up straight to my school locking my Front door and everything.

At the School🤯

I caught up with my Bestfriends! Mikey and Ken Kun, I went besides them and we talked about stuff then I got off guard when I saw Emma dn HINA?! KISSING?!..

Draken's POV

I saw Takemichi thismorning running towards Me and Mikey and when he got besides us we walked again talking about school stuff and.. Sus stu- And some random shits. Takemichi then stopped and started at something I was really expecting.. It was Hina and Emma my GF kissing, I then grabbed Takemichi and Mikey's hand and I went up to the two to confront them.

No one's POV

Emma and Hina stopped kissing after they saw Draken, Takemichi and Mikey walking towards them, After a couple of awkward silences Mikey spoke

Mikey: So how long with this Bullshit Emma? And Hina.
Emma: Wha- What do you mean..?
Takemichi: Oh you both know exactly what this is all about.. You know what, I'm done idc if Hitting a Women is bad, Right now it feels right to hit a Women.

Takemichi then Pulled out his hand and Slapped Hina Fairly enough it was not that of a hard slap.

Hina: You.. You're a criminal..!
Emma: Yeah! Why would you hit Hina?!
Takemichi: You should know better, You think this is funny now Hina?
Draken: Takemich-
Takemichi: Oh no shut up, You think I was still fine after those dumb Rumors you spread? I cant wait to tell everyone the fact that you're a slut showing your whole body to those men.
Hina: How did you..
Takemichi: How? You came in my Fucking house, Fucked with at least 3 men and proceeds to leave your shit to me and lied that it wasn't you.
Mikey: That's disgusting..
Takemichi: YEAH! YOURE A TOTAL SLUT RIGHT NOW! This is why you're a Slut hun, Its cause your Mother is a fucking slutty Stripper too having almost 20 husbands on a row, she cant even tell the other boyfriends of hers about her having 20 husbands and 20 times s3x.
Draken: Let's go now you guys.. Emma it's over between us. You're a disgrace..

The 3 left leaving the 2 in tears knowing that the whole people's eyes are on them now looking at them in disgust. Draken, Mikey and Takemichi planned to just skip school because they don't wanna deal with some bullshit today have 2 girls in their arms trying to convince them to get back with them.

Draken: Takemichi this is your house?
Takemichi: Yeah...
Mikey: So huge!
Draken: Yeah.. Very Huge~
Takemichi: Wha- HENTAI!
Mikey: Mitchy chill out~♡

Takemichi Went in with a huge blush filling every inch of his face trying to cover it with hands even though he knows that the 2 could see it. Takemichi lead the. To the living room so that they could relax after a huge arguements with cheaters.

Takemichi: I'll get some snacks for you Guys..
Takemichi: Yes yes let me do something upstairs
Draken: Okay well, Can we watch TV?
Takemichi: Sure there's the remote! I'll go now

Takemichi went upstairs to get changed. As you know.. TAKEMICHI IS A GIRL- Literally all of my fanfic is Takemichi being a girl- I swear Ill make Male version dont worry yall.. continuing, Takemichi found a fitting clothes for herself, She was gonna plan to tell the 2 about her real Identity and the best way was to invite them over and just- dress normally like she would inside her house.

 continuing, Takemichi found a fitting clothes for herself, She was gonna plan to tell the 2 about her real Identity and the best way was to invite them over and just- dress normally like she would inside her house

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This is what Takemichi is wearing. She then went down stairs to the kitchen to get some snacks and ofc she was nervous so she trembled walking in the hall way. She went to the Living room to check on the boys sitting down watching some TV. Takemichi approached them.

Takemichi: Heyy Guys!
Mikey: eh?
Draken: Eh-
Takemichi: I knew it.. Heres the snack
Draken: I didnt know you liked these types of clothing
Takemichi: I actually designed it myself, in fact I wear these clothes every day after school.
Mikey: Takemichi did you..
Takemichi: Hmm?
Mikey: Did you gain some muscles?
Takemichi: No?
Mikey: Then what's this

Mikey pointed on her Boobs making Takemichi blush because Mikey's finger was touching it-

Takemichi: E- Ah.. Uhm this is...
Draken: I see, You're hiding something in there aye? Let us see
Takemichi: Wha-
Mikey: Yeah Mitchy~♡
Takemichi: Its a big no that's my private part.
Mikey: Oh cmon!

Without even letting Takemichi speak, Draken pulled her hoodie up to eh.. Yk see her breast :V
Dont worry they just saw a LITTLE not even close up to her Nipples..

Takemichi: Eh.. HENTAI!
Draken: Mikey this ain't Takemichi?
Mikey: Idk man..
Takemichi: First of all let me speak. I am Takemichi! ITS MITCHY! And I was gonna tell you guys about.. This
Draken: Hmm we need proof, Let me ask some questions only Takemichi knows.
Takemichi: Go on
Draken: when do we usually go to the public hot tub bath? Also what's Mikey's favorite television.
Takemichi: We go to Public Hot Tub usually on Sunday at 5 PM to 6 PM. Mikey Kun's Fac Television is Cartoon..
Draken: Huh.. Mitchy how did this happen?
Takemichi: NOTHING HAPPENED! This is my own body and I wanted to tell you guys about it some day!
Mikey: So that Day is Today?
Takemichi: Yeah actually.. But even so it doesnt mean you can touch anythi-

Cut off again, Without any words Mikey went to sit next to Takemichi, He picked her up and sat her down to his Lap. Oh am having some Imagination of Takemichi untop of Mikey's Lap HELP-

Mikey: So from now on You're My Bitch now Mitchy~!
Draken: Kinda unfair. We are sharing her
Takemichi: E- Ehh..


Oh my FELLOWS did yall imagine anything nasty? I HOPE NOT. Any how that's all for this episode cause it's already 2 am for me Lmao- But me not gonna sleep so I'll make more than 1 episode if I wont fall asleep aight? Anyways.. Bye babes♡ MWAH👄

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