part 2 - bedtime stories

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notes: about todays stream (march 13th)

as the clock had hit 10, Foe walked up the stage with tons of people seated before him.

Foe coughed to the mic, "good evening everyone, would you all like a story?". the crowd released shouts of approvable.

you would hear loud "Yes!"s and distant other things. Foe then smiled and started reading a book from the big batch of books he had brough with him.

some had fallen asleep in the middle of the books, some tried their hardest to stay up, and some were talking to each other while enjoying the story being said infront of them.

Mio had then bid goodbye to friends and went to her house(mio leaving haha, attention to detail), Athena drew while talking, Reed played games, and other sorts of things people did.

soon, the books had lessen and came to the original version of 'the three pigs and the wolf'. no one was ready but it was definitely not child friendly, some couldn't sleep, some cried, the pigs were realistic which made it.. more scary.

as the book finished, Foe read 'red riding hood' as an apology. still wasnt child friendly but it was better than 'the three pigs and the wolf', a lot already bid their good nights and went to sleep in their houses while some stayed until 10:30.

outlanders came to the kingdom and became official residents(followed), everyone enjoying the stories being read.

as everything came to an end, Foe bid goodbye to his people and said good night. everyone went to their houses after a bit and enjoyed a deep sleep with bedtime stories on their minds.

the books were given to a fellow empire ruler, ChanDarren. (raiding)


307 words
this is short too, i dont really have any ideas for stories currently kek

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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