Love Line Part 7

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Versi: Inggris


Be my lover I want to Appreciate the person who really loves me, he sacrifices not to beg for love. But he wants to show you how precious you are in his heart.

Don't lie to your own feelings, just say it, don't hide the pulse of love, it feels like we love each other.

Versi: Indonesia


Jadilah kekasihku aku ingin menghargai orang yang sangat mencintaiku, dia berkorban bukan untuk mengemis cinta. Tapi dia ingin menunjukkan betapa berharganya kamu di hatinya.

Jangan bohongi perasaan sendiri, katakan saja, jangan sembunyikan denyut cinta, rasanya kita saling mencintai.

Theme: U 🔥🥀
Writer : Alya Rohali
A Place To Complain :
Jakarta 13 March 2022
O'clock Wib: 14.35

Writer: Alya Rohali
Editor: Cover: AR>By: Alya Rohali

#lovelinebyalyarohali #loveline #gariscinta

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Versi Bhs: Indonesia + Inggris + Korea

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