"We will try again this weekend. I hope we will get one this time," I smile at her and she somewhat feels relieved.

"Okay. By the way, let's come to the acquaintance party tomorrow, okay?" she reminds me of it again.

"Okay. I guess I have no choice," I say wryly.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Today we are celebrating this year's acquaintance party.  I am encouraging you all to make friends and socialize with others so we will have a harmonious relationship inside the premise for the school year. I hope you guys will enjoy it," the host speaks well on the microphone. I think all levels are here. The convention room is full and people are enjoying themselves at the moment.

"I didn't know acquaintance parties are this fun," Chocho mentions. She is waving at a group of girls. Oh, she got new friends already, and here I am still struggling to tag along with my classmates.

"You're friendly as always, Chocho," I tell her.

"Not really, it's just a matter of smiling at those you meet on the way," she smiles and winks at me.

"I guess so," I usually smile at the people I crossed paths with but I guess it's not what I think it is as making friends. I got mad at someone on my first day. It's not a good start for me.

"Let's come over there," she drags me closer to the stage. I cannot properly look at people's faces since the crowd is having so much fun with the fast tune music playing on air. Yells everywhere.

"I apologize for interrupting your fun. I would like to start with the first part of the activity. It is the university's tradition to introduce the top three students with the highest scores achieved during the entrance examination since they are going to present their departments in various competitions to be held in the future," he explains.

"You will be introduced in public now?" Chocho looks at me with a surprised expression.

"I don't have any idea," I reply and we switch our gaze back at the host.

"Alright, are you ready to meet them?" he shouts, and the crowd replies with a roaring yes.

"I think I'm starting to shake," I murmur.

"What did you say?" she wonders if I said something. I know their voice shouting at once was deafening.

"Nothing," I shake my head at her, and she stares back at the stage.

"Okay. If your name is called, kindly come up the stage," I think it has already started. Cheers from the crowd reverberate in the room.

"For the top three. It's none other than the President's son, Shinki," the crowd roar like thunder. He got a crazy fan club. The usual fangirls.

"They're crazy," I mutter and I think Chocho hears me this time.

"As expected from the President's son. He sure got cringe fangirls," she shrugs.

I'm dead once I got in his way. There's no chance of winning against him if I'll keep insisting on my complaint. The first to attack me is going to be these crazy girls. Such a drag.

"Are you okay?" she checks on me.

"I think I have no chance against him," my shoulders drop.

He stands in front of everyone with his casually serious and annoying face and his crazy fangirls keep shouting and cheering for him.

"It's embarrassing to be standing in front of everyone in this university," I start to have cold feet, and my knees slightly shiver too.

"You'll be okay. It's your time to shine," she winks at me. I can't believe we could still hear each other despite the loud cheers.

TGJ 2: My Grumpy JerkWhere stories live. Discover now