Chapter 9

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(This might be the last chapter I write for this book so I wanna say thank you for all the patience and appreciate and love you had for me and this book. I love you all so much. Let's get into the chapter)

(f/ffr) = Fav fast food restaurant

(8 days later)

(Your POV)
Devon and I stood outside the house. 2 suitcases in each one of our hands. We wait for Aunty to pull up to drive us all the way to Boston, Massachusetts. It's a 3 and 1/2 hour drive according to Devon.

The memories I had in Hackensack are unforgettable. From the day we moved here when we were 5, to meeting Junior, to leaving Hackensack completely.

As we saw Aunty's car pull up, Devon and I turn back 1 more time. I forgot Lexy and Jake were here to tell us good-bye. I may not like Lexy but I was going to miss her. I dropped my bags and ran towards them.

I hug them, immediately. Tears start flowing down all of our cheeks. "I'll miss you guys.." I say as I slowly pull away. I look at Lexy. Damn it. Maybe if we weren't such bitches towards each other we could have developed a good friendship.

Aunty honked the horn signalling it's time we get it. She pops the trunk open so we can put our suitcases inside. We get in the car as we wave goodbye to our house and to our friends.

I sit back in my seat and sigh. "I'm so sorry, kids. I can see what I can do for you guys to stay with me longer." Aunty says but we just nod.

"We can get some good for the road?" she suggests as we pull into a (f/ffr) drive-thru. We tell her what we want as she started to pull up to the speaker.

She tells the worker the order before pulling up to the first and second window. Paying and getting our food.

"We'll make more stops every 30 minutes." she explains. I take the pillow and blanket out of the carry-on bag and place the pillow behind my head and the blanket on my lap. I kick my feet up before pulling out my phone.

I turn my brightness down so the reflection of the screen wont be seen in the car window. I put my headphones in and play my favorite playlist/album, hoping the drive won't feel as long as it is.

Not even 20 minutes into the drive and I already miss Junior. Leaving him behind was a step in my life that I wasn't ready to take. Of course, if he was actually dead, I'd be extremely sad but it wouldn't be as hard.

Leaving an alive and well Junior Wheeler, my boyfriend, in Hackensack? After I barely just found out he's been alive? "How was school? Before y'know... all this." Auntie asked.

"It was okay... not really anything interesting." Devon said, knowing I don't want to talk about school. School was the 1 place where shit with Chucky was common to happen.

The memory of Junior getting stabbed still lived in my head.. but it's been a few months since then. Leaving Hackensack would be hard but it's for the better. I don't want to get murdered by some psycho fucking doll. Hackensack basically is a horror movie come to life.

People being murdered. Police not being able to explain it. Me, Devon, Jake and Lexy having to be interrogated multiple times. To be honest, I'm glad I'm leaving all of that shit behind.

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