Where things started to change

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Fortunately, things weren't always the miserable state it was. However, to turn the tables, it had to start somewhere.

When I got ready for secondary school math, there were it's challenges. The first topic on Prime Factorisation was difficult at first and so were Negative Numbers. I struggled with them a lot- got so many questions wrong, couldn't get past a certain stage on a learning platform, and for a period of time- self-doubt if history would be repeating itself. Thankfully, over time, I managed to get the hang of things.

The day I was introduced to my secondary 1 Math teacher, I originally doubted her. A million questions raced in my head. What would she be like? Can she change my Math grades forever? She appeared to be a teacher I would shun. Or so I thought.

This Math teacher, Mrs T, was a level up from Mdm L. She made lessons fun but not at the extent of exposing our weaknesses and strengths. Due to her teaching methods, I felt on an equal level among the rest of my peers.

I no longer hated Math. I no longer feared it, or the past with Math. I was going to write a new chapter of my Math story.

I did my Math work to the best of my ability, and saw the fruit with more ticks and fewer crosses. For the first term of secondary school, I only saw Mrs T twice due to sloppy work. I paid attention in Math class, no matter how difficult it was. Whenever in doubt, I asked Mrs T, knowing that the classroom Wa a safe place to ask doubts. Someone may have these doubts too!

I passed my first Math pop quiz, and then...

I passed my first Math pop quiz, and then

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