While I was eating Phil came into the kitchen having gone to wake Tommy up.

"So Techno once you are done eating are you ready to go into town?" He asked me.

"Yea I think so. Are Wilbur and Tommy coming as well?"

"Yep they are, we all need things from the shops."

I quickly finished the rest of my pancakes and ran upstairs to grab my favourite leather boots. While I was there I had a quick check to make sure that none of my multiple earrings had fallen out while I was asleep, thankfully none had.

I met the others outside by the car, this time Wilbur had the front seat.

The ride there was awkward, nobody was speaking having no idea what to start a conversation with.

We arrived in front of a massive mall, it looked so fancy and full of expensive shops, I hoped that they my style of clothing and not the whole modern thing.

"Alright Wilbur you take Techno to get some clothes and Tommy you come with me. Make sure you don't get lost and meet back here in two hours!"

I started to walk towards one of the multiple entrances with Wilbur quickly hurrying to catch up.

"So where do you want to go first?" Wilbur asked me.
"Uhh I don't know?"
"Great we are getting you new clothes then!"

Wilbur surveyed my outfit with obvious distaste for my style, I was content to let Wilbur lead the way and drag me around the mall.

Wilbur is right you need better clothes

New clothes pog!


And the voices have started back up again, it was nice not having to worry about them while I was asleep and they couldn't bother me.

Wilbur suddenly stopped in front of a shop that looked to be filled with all sorts of clothes, from jerseys and jeans to button up shirts and blazers it had everything.

"Ok great I'm gonna pick you out some 'fits as you quite obviously have a horrible fashion sense."

I just rolled my eyes in response to Wilbur attacking my sense of style, we walked over towards a bench that was stacked high with folded up jeans of all style and colours. There were black jeans, blue jeans, ripped and skinny jeans.

Wilbur walked over and grabbed a pair of black ripped jeans and held them up before shoving them into my arms. He then grabbed my hand and started to drag me towards racks that had multiple different styles of jackets.

As he walked along the rack flipping through them he stopped and one and chucked it towards me.

"Ok go try that on!"

I headed towards the changing rooms, once I got into a free one I looked apprehensively at the outfit Wilbur had picked, it was not my style at all. I mentally shrugged and thought what's the worst that could happen?

After I had pulled on the clothes, I looked at myself in the mirror and grimaced, a lot could go wrong apparently.

Emo lol


You look hilarious

I shouldn't have looked at myself now all the voices would do is torment me about how I looked. I let out a sigh and walked out to where Wilbur was waiting.

Wilbur looked over and saw me.

"Ok you are so keeping that you look great!"

I decided that the best thing to do was not to reply after all they were being nice to me.

"Oh look at the time we need to go and meet dad!"

Wilbur shoved me back into the changing rooms so I could take off the hideous outfit he had picked. As soon as I exited he snatched the clothes from me and headed towards the counter.

The teen at the register had black hair with blue tips and a name tag that read 'Skeppy'.

"How may I help you today?" He asked Wilbur who was paying.

"Oh just want to buy this please!"

After Wilbur had brought the clothing we rushed outside and headed towards where Phil's car was parked. We could see two figures standing by it who I assumed was Phil and Tommy.

As we made our way over I could see that Tommy was clutching 2 round circular objects that looked faintly like, old records?

"Ah boys glad that you are back, you ready to head home?"

"Yep! I think we got everything Techno needs."

The ride home was slightly less awkward are Wilbur and Phil were engaged in a conversation about Wilbur's sheep, friend and about how his first coat of wool had been knitted into a jumper by his friend Niki.

Once they were back at the house I trailed behind them as they opened the door. I took my shoes off and neatly put them next to the others.

I wanted to go upstairs and chill but suddenly there was a knock at the door...


Who do you think it is at the door?
Also I have made a chapter on their aesthetics if you wish to check it out!

Words: 1440

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