"Ok next Friday we'll do drugs then!"Tom said bluntly and I rolled my eyes

"Right, thanks for last night I should head off got an end of term essay due so should probably start that!"Haz said laughing and we all said bye to him as he left and I turned to see Tom leaned on the sofa

"I can't believe it's only 1 week left until time off!"Tom groaned pulling me to him and he squeezed my bum

" I know! I'll get to see my family it feels like it's been forever!"I groaned and loosened his grip on me

"So umm your going home then?"he then asked awkwardly

"Yea but only for my birthday weekend!"I replied and I saw the fear run through him

"My birthdays 12th April!"I added placing my arms on his shoulders

"Would it be ok if maybe I came with you?"He then asked and I blushed thinking about it

"I mean-if you can put up with me for a 3 hour car drive then sure"I replied and he smiled placing his hands on my hips tightly before pulling me down with him so we were lying on the sofa making me laugh

"Your very comfortable!"I said snuggling my head into his chest

"Hmm"he replied and I shuffled making me rub against him causing him to groan

"We'll pretend I didn't do that!"he then said with a smirk and kissed my head so I did it again

"Don't!"He said softly so I did it again making him groan and I could feel him hard so I kissed his neck softly

"Tell me to stop!"i whispered into his ear before biting and kissing it while I continued to grind on him and he groaned again

"Beg me!"I whispered again into the other side and kissed his neck

"No-"he sighed and I smirked then licked up his neck and I could feel him breathe in as I sucked on his neck

"What are you thinking about?"I asked with a smirk still working on his neck as he moaned softly

"Tom?"I asked again and he moaned loud this time

"You"is all he sighed and I smiled and pushed against him

"What about me?"I added and he sighed
"Fuck-"he moaned as I pushed against him then leaned forward and kissed his lips quickly but deeply

"I never knew you could be so submissive"I commented my lips grazing his before making my way down his neck

"If you keep talking I'm gonna say something I regret!"Tom said and I laughed
When Tom groaned once again so I slide my hands under his shirt and took it off him before lowering myself to him and kissing across his chest and collar bone causing a moan to leave him as I ventured down and traced his joggers while kissing his abs.


Fuck, I hate that I love this and I wasn't kidding about the saying something I'll regret but she pulled down my joggers and underwear pulling me from my thoughts as I felt her kiss my hip before wrapping her mouth around me,

"Fuck"I moaned and she started moving up and down

"Jesus y/n how did you even learn this-"I moaned loudly as my hand reached for her head where I balled up her hair in my hand like a ponytail to hold her still slightly as I pushed my hips forward and into her and I felt her moan into me and I could feel it all the way through my body sending a shiver through me and she began moving her head again as I pushed my head into the sofa behind me

"Fuck y/n-"I moaned as I could feel myself about to finished and as if she could sense it she sped up making me finish in her mouth as she pulled away and I saw her lick her lips so I reached for her shirt grabbing it pulling her down smashing my lips onto hers deeply and pushing my tongue into her mouth

"Your incredible!"i mumbled into it and she laughed then pulled away looking down at me while running her hands through my hair and I wanted to please her too but she didn't seem like she wanted that right now.

"Your laugh!"i said with my eyes closed

"Huh?"she replied and I smiled

"Your laugh, is my favourite thing!"I said looking into her eyes

"No one's said that before!"she said innocently

"That's because everyone's idiots!"i said with a smirk and she laughed kissing me softly then rested my head on his chest


"What's going on up there?"I asked her and she looked up at me resting her chin on my chest

"Nothing!"she said with a smile

"Honestly?"I said and she sighed

"I umm I'm nervous well I'm thinking about you meeting my family!"she replied and I blushed

"That makes you nervous?"I asked and she hid her head in my chest

"Well they only ever met Jack and I've spoken to my mum about what happened with him- they're just gonna have their guards up about me!"she said and I smiled

"I'm glad they are!"I said and she looked into my eyes with a smile

"My brother hated Jack!"she then added and I laughed

"Clearly he's the only smart one in your family then!"I joked and she punched my arm


"He's also the one who asked if chocolate milk come from brown cows! So don't go boosting his ego he doesn't need it!"she replied and I burst out laughing

"You mean it doesn't come from brown cows?"I sarcastically said and she smiled at me

"How old is he?"I then asked

"He's 13!"she replied with a smile

"I can't wait to meet him!"I said and she snorted

"Oh he'll hate you too!"she then said looking up at me

"Umm why?"I asked pretending to be offended

"Because your fucking his older sister!"she then added and I squeezed her

"Ow!"she squealed

"He'll love me! I know it!"I then added

"Ok big guy!"she sarcastically replied and I laughed shocked he called me big guy but she lay her head down on my chest so I didn't say anything

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