Where the hell do we sleep. Pt.1 (Riddle section)

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"WHAT," Everyone screamed. Crowley winced and looked around at the prefects, they were currently in a meeting In his office, one of the only places that weren't destroyed during Malleus rampage and he just told them that they would continue their studies at Royal Sword Academy until the school was built back to its former glory. "I don't like the situation- but we must continue and, the RSA does owe us a big favor..." Riddle growled, "Are you serious?" The headmaster nodded, "What's up with your moods?"  Everyone turned to Kalim, Malleus, and Yuu who were confused, "I agree with Kalim, RSA has done nothing and is the only one who has a somewhat valid argument is Vil with Neige. But the rest of you? Why are you all so grumpy?" Yuu asked.

The rest of the dorm heads just groaned, "Just get going and tell us their terms," Leona said, turning back to Crowley. "Alright, so they said they would have to sort us into dorms which they will use with their version of the mirror, and then we also have to follow their dorm heads rule if we don't will be sent packing," He looked up from the paper and looked around, "So keep your student under control." He rolled the apartment and sent them out.

"Now, why are you all salty?" Yuu asked again as they left the office. "Dont push it, Yuu," Vil muttered, as they all walked the destroyed halls, "Yea I don't get why you aren't excited?? Im going to get to see my cousin!" Kalim exclaimed, "At least you excited" Azul sighed, "Im gonna have to see air-headed merman prince." Everyone goes silent and Azul goes pink, "Wait is someone you don't like at RSA?!" Yuu asked surprised, "I don't have anyone I know at RSA," Malleus said and Idia nodded in agreement as the other go pink,  "N-no," Riddle stutters, Yuu just sighs and walks to their dorm, which was also one of the other places Malleus missed.

Riddle's POV

He never expected to be in RSA, let alone live there but he could say that he was less than thrilled. Someone tapped his shoulder, he turned and saw Trey looking at him, eyebrows furrowed "Something wrong?" He asks, I just shrug and look out of the Heartsbuleys bus's window as we traveled to the other side of the island. "Come on Riddle, no point in hiding your feelings, what's got you so uptight?" I just stay quiet until I heard Trey make an 'Oh', "This is about Alison, isn't it?" I exhale and flop back on my seat.

"I know our rivalry was just caused by our moms weren't the best of friends... But it's still so aggravating that he is still better than me without putting any effort!" I growled, I sink into my seat and sighed. "Senpai, who is Alison?" I and Trey turn around and see Deuce and Ace looking at them with curious eyes, "Why were you listening?" I growled.  They just shrug and I sigh, "Alison's mother and he moved into our village and both had an unbelievable control of their magic, being able to do things most magic-user couldn't. At that moment Alison's mom and my mother had a rivalry, and, naturally, they would have us compete and from that moment I knew that I would be inferior to him." I lean onto my window and continue, "From the school to talents, Alison has always topped me. At first, I thought I could let go of my anger since our moms forced our rivalry... but after so many years, it has gotten annoying, that no matter how hard I try..."

The bus comes to the halt and everyone goes out in an orderly fashion.  "Alright, everyone pairs up into two's and make two separate lines!" I yell as the other buses come in flooding out with students. 

As everyone starts lining up a sudden Blair of trumpets fill the outside entrance of the school. I turn around and gape.

In front of us were 5 people and most I didn't recognize but I did recognize 2, the first one was Neige and the other one was Alison. They had blonde hair that was in a ponytail that was being held up by a black ribbon, he wore a white uniform and had a long blue jacket on top of it. He wore a tired smile and yelled out, "WELCOME NRC TO ROYAL SWORD ACADEMY!" the room instantly erupted with applause, I could feel my face get redder, then I felt a hand on my shoulder which happened to be Trey, I took a deep breath and turn back to Alison and the other unfamiliar faces.

3rd person POV

"My name was Alison Wondre, I am the head of the welcoming committee also the dormhead of the Noble Dorms and the one who will walk you our choosing ceremony" He grabs a small mirror out of his pocket, "This is our Light mirror, every year a student will look at this mirror and it will place you in one of our dorms, This may be temporary but it doesn't mean we can't be orginazed~" He points at himself, "My dorm, The Noble Dorm, represents the Girl of the other world, it reflects her bravery and Noble personality in the world of chaos. So if you get picked to come to my dorm, the pleasure is mine!" Then the boy with Gray hair and dog ears then speaks up, "The names Travis, Travis Scrap, Im the head of the Kings Dorm, our dorm reflect the true king of the Savana and his willingness to fight for what was right" Riddle heard a growl and looked towards Savanaclaw and saw the growling at the statement, "If you get picked to be in our dorms considered it a pleasure as well to have you," 

He bows then a Redhead started shouting, "HELLO EVERYONE! IM RIELLE TRIDENT-" everyone flinches and a boy with braids smacks the back of his head, "Get yourself together Rie." I heard him whisper, Rielle giggled and turned back to the crowd, "Sorry! My name Rielle Trident! Im the head of the Adventures Dorm, Our dorms reflects the Little Mermaid who longed for adventure and freedom from her old life. Our dorms proatize trying new things! Can't wait to meet you guys if you join us!" He then pushes the boy with braids in front, the boy swore and straighten himself, "Hello, My name is Jay Al-asim-" Whispers broke out from Scarabia, Kalim and Jamil looked at him with a smile, "Hey Jay!~" Jay chuckled a bit and continued, "And I am the Dormhead of the Diamond dorm, we reflect the diamond in the rough in which we hope to bring everyone to equal standing. If you become part of our dorm we will welcome you with open arms." He steps back and Neige comes forth with his natural smile, "Hello! I am Niege Blanche, I am the dormhead of our last dorm, the beauty dorm, it reflects the girl with snow skin who was beautiful no matter what.  If you become part of our dorm, I hope you feel comfortable!"

He steps back and Alison and Travis step forward, Alison had the mirror in hand whilst Travis had a roll of parchment, "We would usually call it out in alphabetical order but we decided to do the dorm heads first than that." Travis called out and all the Dormheads, beside Kalim and Malleus, froze. Travis coughed and called out the first name, "Riddle Roseheart!" Riddle froze and locked eyes with Alison who was also shocked to see him, Riddle inhaled and walked up onto the stage and faced Alison who had the mirror in hand, "Hello Riddle, take a look at it and see what your inner self is." Alison said with a smile and handed it to Riddle. Riddle peered into it and immediately was met with a face of a beautiful woman who wore a blue dress and a pink bow, the mirror sudden floated on its own and then circled Riddle with a streak of magic, then his clothes began to change he found he no longer was in his NRC uniform but in a white polo shirt a light blue vest light blue pants a black ribbon on his head and his neck. "The Noble Dorms!" The woman's voice rang in a cheery way

Riddle and Everyone in Heartsbuyal eyes widen and Alison step in front of Riddle and shook his hand, "Welcome to Noble Dorms!"

Oh, Riddle was screwed, he shook Alison's hand and ran off the stairs next to Trey who looked shocked, "I am screwed." He mumbled.

(A/n I imagen when Riddle gets wrapped around by the magic it's like the Cinderella transformation scene. Anyways if you saw the title you saw the Riddle section, there will be different parts for his section and then ill move to the Next dormhead and etc. Hope you will really REALLY enjoy it! P.s none of the art is mine-)

1500 words

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