mark and haechan pt. 1

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by: Anonymous
language: english
wc: 4764


He didn't know why he had gotten curious about it. Really. He didn't know. It must have been the boredom, or maybe it was his desire to find something that he and the rest of the members could laugh about.

Because really, he was most certain that whatever the "MarkHyuck moans" video the fan was talking about and was claiming to sound exactly like them, it had to be really bad, even worse than the bad porns he had found on Yuta's laptop. He was most certain that he would have a good laugh about it, before finally sharing it to everyone else because good things were meant to be shared.

Except, he didn't laugh.


When people said that boredom could kill, Mark didn't expect that it would kill him this way- out of embarrassment over coming inside his sweatpants just by listening to the voice of his dongsaeng.

Well, it wasn't really him, but fuck, who ever that person was, they really sounded the same.

How did all of this happened?

Maybe, Mark should have known better than to waste his short free time. He should have probably just wrote some lyrics which he could use in the future, or maybe he should have practiced his guitar. Heck, he could have even slept all day since sleep was very much a luxury during promotions. There were a lot of other things that Mark could have done but no, he had chosen to watch random videos on YouTube.

It started out wholesome, watching a few live performances, and his own fancams just some he could assess which was good and which aspect he was lacking, and how he could improve them before their upcoming comeback. After that, he began scrolling through their NCT DAILY account. Everything was going well, until he decided read the comments for one of their videos, the one where they were preparing for a year end performance.

Don't get him wrong. Reading comments always felt nice, especially since the fans never really shied away from showering them with compliments. Besides, it was through reading their comments that they could find out what fans like the most, from their songs, outfit, up to the ships they're trying to sail.

So reading the comments were pretty much just a harmless thing to do.

Except he stumbled upon a certain comment that wasn't as harmless as he thought it would be.

It wasn't a hate comment. For some reasons, hate comments were mostly buried down the section, most probably because their fans were working hard to make the good comments appear on top. In order to see them, he might need to find them the entire day and thankfully, he had a lot of better things to do than find something that could potentially ruin his day.

It was just a comment mentioning a timestamp in the video, where Donghyuck had sneakily kissed his neck and ran away with Mark chasing after him.

"Donghyuck's moan. OMG, I am such a MarkHyuck shipper. "

Mark chuckled. He wasn't surprised anymore. For some reasons, a lot of their fans ship him with the younger member of their group ever since their debut days, some even before that. He used to be weirded out by it back then, having grown up in Canada, he wasn't really used to this shipping thing that fans do. He and Donghyuck were after all just friends. Just bros in the same group. There wasn't anything romantic going on between them. But through the years, Mark had learned to accept this as an aspect in the fan culture. He had gotten used to it, and in turn, he had gotten more tolerant of Donghyuck's antics in showing skinships in front of the camera.

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