Welcome To The World

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Imagine Type: cute

Warnings: none (I don't think)

Status: Y/n's pregnant.

Y/n's P.O.V

"Matt can you get me a wet washcloth?" I asked unable to get out of bed.

"Of course baby." Matt says getting up from his computer chair.

He comes over and leans down to give me a kiss before heading out of the room.

I'm so ready to have this baby. I'm so over being uncomfortable in my body and I'm starting to get inpatient cause all I want is to meet the baby.

Matt has been an absolute saint during my whole pregnancy. I've had really bad mood swings the whole time and I feel so bad for him. One minute, I'm the biggest cry baby then the next I'm the hatefulest bitch.

All of sudden I feel an extreme sharp pain in my stomach.

"Aahhh!" I scream holding my huge belly.

The door swings open and a frighten Matt appears. He quickly rushes over to me as I sit on the edge of the bed. He kneels down in front of me placing his hands on my knees.

I start to breath heavy, feeling breathless.

"Talk to me baby." He says softly.

All of a sudden I feel a gush of liquid in between my legs that ends up soaking me and some of Matt. I look up at Matt, scared.

"Ugh... mmh, okay, okay..." he stutters shuffling around. "Okay we need to get you to the hospital, right? Right."

He helps me up and helps me take my wet pants off. He runs over to the dresser most likely looking for another pair of pants for me.

"Matt don't worry... ah!" I try to speak but I just get another sharp pain, hunching over.

I wasn't worried about wearing pants since I have a oversized shirt on that could be considered a dress, even with my big belly. Matt comes back over and helps me stand back up straight.

"Grab the hospital bag." I tell him.

He nods and quickly grabs the hospital bag. He helps me down the stairs and out to the car. He calls the hospital to let them know we're coming in so they can have everything ready.

~ Time Skip

After arriving at the hospital, they bought me into a labor and delivery room. Once they got me hooked up to everything, they checked and saw that I'm already 7cm dilated.

"Okay sweetie, I'll be right back. Just press the red button if you need anything." The nurse tells me before she leaves the room.

I look over at Matt who's sitting beside me and holding my hand.

"I'm scared." I said barely above a whisper.

"It's okay." He said now holding my hand in both of his and kissing the back of it.

"Do you believe I'll be a good mother?" I asked.

"I know you'll be the best mother anyone could ask for." He tells me petting on me.

"Ah fuck!" I scream as another contraction hits, squeezing Matt's hand hard.

"Fuck..." Matt says trying not to be loud.

All of a sudden a loud beeping goes off and a nurse runs into the room. She jogs over to the machine and presses a button.

"Ok hun, I'm gonna take a look real quick." She says going down to the foot of the bed.

She takes a look and then leaves the room. I look up at Matt, worried. Then a few more nurses and the doctor walks in, getting everything ready.

"Okay Ms. Y/n, lets have a baby." The doctor said getting into position. "Give me a good push."

Everything feels like it's moving so fast. I get lost in thought not being able to think straight when I feel a soft rubbing on the back of my hand. I look up at Matt who is giving me a soft smile and mouths "you got this."

I take a deep breath before I begin to push that's when all of a sudden a line beep started.

"Okay Y/n stop pushing for a second." The doctor says looking at the monitor. "Give me a light push."

I gently push when the beeping comes back.

"Stop." The doctor asks.

I stop pushing as my heart begins to race. Doctor talks to one of the nurses and then looks up at me.

"Okay Y/n. I'm gonna have the nurse push on your stomach to act as your pushes." The doctor tells me.

"What's going on?" I asked out of breath.

"Every time you push the baby flatlines which probably means the baby's umbilical record is wrapped around its neck so we're gonna help." The doctor explain.

The doctor nobs to the nurse and she begins to push down on my stomach.
I begin to feel this intense burning sensation and that must mean the baby's crowning. In all honesty I'd rather be pushing myself because I'm about to slap the fuck out of this nurse who has all her body weight pushing on me.

"Okay stop." The doctor says.

The nurse stops pushing and I breathe a sigh of relief. She's a lucky bitch.

"Okay Y/n I'm going to unwrap the cord and you'll be able to push on your own again." The doctor says as she gets the cord off my baby's neck.
"Okay and now I'll just rotate the baby a little so it will be easier to push out the shoulders. Okay now give my a big push."

I give her one more push and I feel the tightness release. Then I hear the most magical sound of my baby's cry.

"Congratulations it's a boy." The doctor says. "Dad, you wanna do the honors?" The doctor says holding out a pair of medical scissors for Matt to use to cut the umbilical cord.

He smiles and cuts the cord. The doctor places him on my chest and the nurses gently wipe some of the blood and amniotic fluid off of him.

I didn't even realize I was crying until Matt wiped the tear off my cheek. I have a baby now. We have a baby now.

The nurses take him over to a table to get him cleaned up and get his measurements, weight, footprints and handprints, and everything else.

"You did amazing." Matt whispers in my ear while holding my hand. "And thank you for not slapping the nurse."

"I came close." I said smiling.

He smiles back giving me a kiss.

"Okay Y/n you ready to deliver the placenta." The doctor says getting back into position.

"What?!" I said.

Matt Sturniolo ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin