the castle

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A/N: Felix meets his future queen, who's much more different than he expected.

Felix had been ordered to guard the little human, so here he was, standing in front of her door. She hadn't been up to much, he had only heard her enter the closet and bathroom, then sit down near the window. She had been crying a little, but Felix had the feeling she wouldn't want to be disturbed, so he had let her be. It had been two days without her leaving her room or making a sound, apart from breathing, and he was growing a little worried. Didn't humans need to eat? Aro, Marcus and Caius had been busy with discussing this whole mate thing, which consisted of a lot of arguing and shouting, otherwise Felix would've been sure they would've come to see her already.

Fine. He would check in on the girl, just to soothe his conscience. Felix sighs inwardly, but knocks on the door three times, loud and clear.

"Who is it?" The girl speaks up, her voice sounding hoarse.

"Felix, I'm your guard. May I come in?" He answers. She pauses for a moment. Silence.

"Okay." She says then, carefully. When he opens the door, he slowly moves into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. She was sitting in the loveseat near the window, head leaning on her hand, as she stared outside. She turns around, brown eyes meeting his.

Felix hadn't had the chance to study her closely, mostly because of the awkward tension that had hung in the air when they travelled back to Volterra, along with his own fear of the three kings. She had big, brown eyes, which eyed him cautiously, but not with fear. Felix took notice of the bags under her eyes, indicating that she must be tired. Strands of brown hair framed her face, her hair long and wavy, lighter and darker shades visible to Felix' eyes. Her skin was fair, but a hint of freckles dusted her cheeks and nose. He had a feeling that they would become more apparent in summer. Her nose was delicate, her features soft, lips pink and full, and he had to admit that she was very beautiful, in a natural and human way. She was wearing a soft white sweater with a turtleneck, no doubt to hide those bruises he knew Caius had left, with a pair of dark brown slacks underneath, a pair of soft white socks covering her feet.

"You're staring." She speaks up, drawing his attention. She didn't seem upset at him, however, the ghost of a smile appearing on her face.

"Apologies, Miss, I did not have the chance to get a proper look at you earlier." He says, bowing his head slightly.

"It's okay, really, I was staring at you too. It's not often that I meet new vampires. Felix was it, right?" She answers reassuringly, standing up from the couch.

"As I do not meet new humans often. Yes, I'm Felix. I was ordered to be your guard, for the time being." Felix agrees, smiling.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Felix. I'm Ophelia." She says, extending her hand towards him. He's surprised by that, but takes her hand nonetheless, shaking it shortly.

"I actually came to ask if you wanted to eat. It's been two days now, you must be hungry." Felix admits. She seems surprised by that, like she hadn't noticed the time. Her stomach rumbles suddenly, making him chuckle.

"Come, I'll take you to the kitchens." He says, trying to be as non-threatening as possible.

"Okay, let me just put on some shoes." She agrees, hurrying into the closet. She comes out wearing a pair of white sneakers, and smiles at him. He's glad that she seems a little at ease around him. He offers his arm, which she takes, and they leave the room.

"You have the same name as someone else I know, he's a friend of Vladimir and Stefan. He's actually very funny." She says on their way to the kitchen, and Felix pauses in his mind. Then, he remembers the two Romanians who had been so fiercely protective of her.

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