the Cullens

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A/N: Hi there!
This story is an [Aro/Caius/Marcus/OC] fanfic. There will be eventual smut, so be warned! Also, the Volturi are good in this fanfic, and Aro did NOT kill his sister Didyme (unlike the canon).
I hope you have just as much fun reading this story as I did writing it <3
Feel free to leave a comment, I love hearing what you think of this story.

I'm pretty sure I would never get used to the feeling of running. The wind blowing through my hair, the landscape passing by in a blur... Even if I wasn't the one with supernatural physical strength, I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

"Are we almost there?!" I ask Vladimir, holding onto him tightly as I was sitting on his back.

"Almost, Princess!" He shouts so I can hear, as Stefan turns his head to flash me a grin.

Suddenly, howls fill the air.

"A-Are those werewolves?" I bring out, growing a little scared.

"Not exactly. Shapeshifters!" Stefan exclaims, and when the two share a mischievous grin, my hold on Vladimir automatically tightens.

"Vlad, no!" I shout, but to no use, as they launch themselves into the air, swinging from tree to tree. I did not like being jostled around like Jane from Tarzan! I squeal, gripping Vladimir even tighter, when I look down and see giant wolves chasing us, barking and growling like crazy. The laughter of my two friends fills the air, and finally they land onto a rock, far out of reach.

Vlad pulls me down to sit in between the two of them, as they mock the shapeshifters by making kissing noises, motioning for them to come get us, the wolves growling at that. I would rather not be eaten by wolves, but I trust these two. Even though they seemed very casual in their way of sitting, they were keeping me in between them to keep me safe, ready to speed off at any time. Suddenly, a group of vampires arrive at human speed.

"Vladimir, Stefan. You're a long way from home." A blonde haired vampire speaks up. He's quite handsome, with amber eyes and a defined jawline, neat light blonde hair. He also looked like the fatherly type, the way he was dressed in dress shirt with a pullover and a jacket. His eyes met mine, and he seemed very confused that I, a human, was with them.

"What are they doing here?" A blonde, straight haired woman mutters to a dark-haired guy. They all seemed to have the same amber coloured eyes, now that I looked closely. Weird. Then, I remember how Vlad and Stefan had told me about the "vegetarians". I was surprised that there were so many of them here.

"We heard that the Volturi were moving against you. But that you would not stand alone." I speak up, standing up from where I had been sitting. The two quickly stand up at that as well, ready to protect me if something went wrong. I suppress a smile at that; they could be so overprotective at times. It did help to make me feel safe, even though I was surrounded by vampires and hungry wolves.

"We didn't do what we were accused of." Carlisle quickly says, but Vladimir dismisses it just as quickly.

"We do not care what you did, Carlisle." He says with a smile.

"We have been waiting a millennia for the Italian scum to be challenged." Stefan adds, and I can practically feel their eagerness.

"It is not our plan to fight the Volturi." Carlisle argues. He seems like a kind soul. All the while, a certain brown haired boy keeps eyeing me closely.

'What's your problem, huh?' I think as I lock eyes with him. To my surprise, his eyes grow wider at that, startling me. He could read minds?!

"Shame. Aro's witnesses will be so disappointed." Vlad says mockingly, turning to look at Stefan.

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