Hwang Hyunjin 🦙

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Word Count: 593
*You knew you were on your period but Hyunjin is at work and your looking after your son Hwang Hyunwoo*

Our son, Hyunwoo, is 2 years old and is currently taking his afternoon nap, or so I thought, after tucking him in his bed and closing the curtains I make my way down to the kitchen to get a class of water but all of a sudden and overwhelming pain envelopes my lower stomach, I already know what it is but this soon? The glass fell out of my hand and shattered which woke up Hyunwoo, I wince in pain as I try to pick up the shards and go comfort our crying son, I didn't even notice that I cut my hand whilst picking up the shards, I threw them all in the bin and sat on the bed and cuddles Hyunwoo til' he fell asleep again.
As soon as I get up I wanted to have another breakdown, the bedsheets were red, just a whole bunch of red. At this point my cut was still bleeding but I wrapped it around some tissue paper until I could get a plaster. I carried Hyunwoo and laid him down in my bedroom whilst I take off his sheets but as soon as I put him down and tucked him in I fell.
Quiet whimpers could be heard through the Marge echoing house. But I managed to pull myself up and
Wash his sheets and get changed myself.
After doing all of that I treat my hand with a proper plaster, and swallow down some pain killers with water and start doing the rest of the house chores.
"YAH! Hyunwoo listen to your mother!" I let out a loud scream to the child throwing bottle of milk away, when is Hyunjin going to be home thoughts like this race through my head as my head starts throbbing with pain (girls also get massive headaches during their period) Holding Hyunwoo and placing the bottle of milk in his mouth I hear the door unlock to reveal a worn out figure.
"Oh great" I thought to myself, he looks so tired I can't ask him for help I go upstairs and place Hyunwoo in his head with a dummy and hoping he falls asleep on his own and go backstairs to greet Hyunjin.

Hwang Hyunjin POV :
I come back to see the house spotless, and Y/N struggling to look after Hyunwoo I was about to give her a kiss but she went upstairs I didn't think much of it and changed into more comfortable clothing and I already ate dinner at work so I was just watching tv I looked to my left as Y/N plopped herself down next to me and her head on my lap murmuring "Welcome home baby" I kissed her forehead and replied with the following "Are you okay love you look sick?".
Third Person POV:
Y/N : Yeah I'm alright
[she was about to close her eyes]
Hwang Hyunjin : Your not a good liar, what's wrong baby? *pouts*
Y/N : It's nothing I'm just on that day of the month
Hwang Hyunjin : *dramatic gasp* My poor baby!!
Y/N : It's okay I just need your cuddles

Authors POV:
Like the others you cuddles against each other and etc etc let your imagination go wild.
Authors Note:
I tried to make this short because it felt unfair that I gave the other members a longer time.

When You Stain ____ On Your Period (SKZ OT8 IMAGINE)Where stories live. Discover now