1. The Beginning

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Some people think they're going to die a certain way, other people can't even think about it. A lot are terrified of dying and a big percentage want to live forever. I used to picture growing old and one day going to bed and never waking up again.

It's the kind of death people desire because pain isn't fun.

Except that's not how I die. My death wasn't peaceful, it wasn't painless, and it wasn't quick.

My name is Victoria. I'm seventeen years old, and just before my eighteenth birthday, I died.

Terrible, right?

I thought so, too.

But before we get into that, let's go back five months.

"Tory! Come on we're going to be late!"

"Coming! Hold your horses." I barked back annoyed.

"What are you? Seventy? Nobody says that anymore." Jason retorted

"What do I care? I say it."

Jason, one of my best friends, snickered, "that's why everyone avoids you. You talk like everyone's great-grandma."

"What's that sonny? I didn't quite hear that. You're going to have ta speak up, dear," I mimicked an elderly woman's voice. Jason looked impressed.

"I said "that's why-" oh never mind," he huffed, smirking. "May says there's a new student."

"Did she now? Is she working her 'feminine magic?'" I asked sarcastically. I loved May, who was like a sister to me, but sometimes she frustrated me. One minute, she's all about independence, and the next, she starts talking about finding a guy and being the perfect mate.

Why she uses mate instead of wife, I'll never know. I chalked it up to her talking about soulmates since she's always talking about finding "the one." I wasn't into the fairytale happy endings. Nor the happily ever after, so I tend to ignore her fantasies.

"No, but she did say he was, and I quote, 'fuckin' hella fine!'" I tried not to laugh at his imitation of May's voice. She had a soft and yet chipper voice that could be the quietest breeze or the loudest storm, and Jason always likes to exaggerate when imitating her. "Then, she went on to say that he was perfect for you"

"Why would she think that?" I asked incredulously.

"Because you're also "fuckin' hella fine," and nobody can tell me differently" Jason stated firmly, snapping his fingers and putting his hand on his hip. That's when his outfit caught my attention. He was dressed in ripped jeans, a black baggy shirt, chains, studs in his ears, and black converse.

"Did you lose your fancy for colors or something? And I thought you didn't like studs."

"Oh. I was feeling dark this morning, and I don't not like studs, I just prefer gauges,"

"Hmm, so why were you feeling "dark" today?"

Jason shrugged, "I don't know. I guess I'm becoming more intuned with my dark side."

I snorted, shaking my head and he gasped as if he was wronged, "That was so unladylike of you."

Rolling my eyes, I flip him the bird.

"Are May and Jordan waiting in the courtyard, the blacktop, the gates, or the cafeteria?"

"I'll ask," Jason pulled out his phone and started texting our other friends. When he was done, he slipped it back into his pocket and gave me a look. I knew what he was going to say before he said it, "you know, you should start using that phone your parents gave you. If there was an emergency-"

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