Car Water

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I don't know how long we stood in the aisle, but I could feel sweat start to form at my hairline.

"Nanami Kento," I muttered the words out no matter how difficult it was to speak to him. My throat was constricting against itself, he looked back at me, breaking the stoic look he had to one of surprise before responding to me.

"I should've assumed you knew who he was given the face Gojo is on your sweater. Now it feels uneven, what's your name?"

"F/n L/n," I swallowed deeply when he held his hand out to me, assumedly for a handshake.

"Pleasure to meet you L/n, from the look on your face you're either ill or something is considerably wrong with the present circumstances, you may be able to answer some of my questions even, mind if I steal you away for a discussion?" He asked and I could only nod back at him.

"I assume you don't know where you are or how you got here?" I said grabbing my cart and continuing to walk through the store.

"You would guess correctly, all I know presently from the red dots that linger throughout and the outside sign, we're in a Target...?" It really sounded like a question over a concrete statement.

"That is quite right, good observation, well as unbelievable this all is, it's not like I haven't read about this before," I kept taking deep breaths while keeping my eye on the man walking with me. He looked human? Somehow when he got here it adjusted his looks to reality. Man, people who have made fanart of him to look real really did him justice. I must've been staring at him for too long and not paying attention to where I was going because the next thing, I knew I swerved into a pole in an aisle. Shaking me back to here and now and causing Nanami to look down at me a few steps ahead.

"What do you mean, read about this before?" He looked at me quizzically, maybe bringing up reading fanfics about him and numerous other characters really wasn't the go to in this situation but regardless he would figure it all out someday.

"This is going to be a long conversation, so I think for right now our best bet would be to get used to each other, from what I have read and can tell you is, I'm going to help you get adjusted this this life for right now while we figure out what our next steps should be," I said and he nodded back to me.

"Awesome, first thing first, I guess I'm grocery shopping today, let's grab some food and I'm also going to guess you have nothing to wear outside of what you have on your body right now?" He nods back to me.

All the multiverse fanfics I've read made it all sound so much easier than it was, I'm lucky my job pays well and oh man imagine if I lived with people and not just my cat and reptiles. This would be a whole mess.

He continued to follow me through the store as I picked up some food to last the next couple of weeks for two people and we found ourselves in the clothing section.

"Okay, let's get you some stuff to wear, I would offer the baggy clothes I already own, but I'm greedy and don't worry about the cost, your comfort is top priority," at this I could see him scrunch his eyebrows.

"I refuse to allow you to buy me my things, I can handle it," I couldn't even try to stifle the laugh that was vibrating to be let out. Like the moment in Haikyuu! When Kuroo did that laugh where he wrap his arms over his torso, that intense of a laugh.

"Nanami we can figure that out later, but right now, I'm going to say that whatever you pay with either isn't the right currency or your cards won't work, I promise, you can pay me back when we get to cross that bridge one day." He did a curt nod and put his wallet back in his pants and proceeded to walk over to the relatively fancy clothes and ties. Whereas I took a couple steps to the joggers and t-shirts.

"Nami, do you workout?" I asked, curiously, I would assume given that Adonis figure he's rocking but I didn't want to be rude.

"Nami? I didn't realize we were on terms where nicknames became involved," He said walking over to me and putting the clothes into the cart.

I held up a pair of briefs, "I'm buying you new undies Nami, I think we should be," He scrunched his eyebrows again but this time it came with a light blush over his cheeks and resulted in him snatching them out of my hands and throwing them in the cart.

But I wasn't done in the corner of my eyes I could see a pair of cheetah print briefs that would match his tie almost to a T. Quickly I snatched them from the hanger and turned to Nanami with a shit eating grin.

"What about these ones big boy, gotta make sure the carpet matches the drapes," may the Gojo spirit radiate through me right now. The whole moment caused Nami to scowl at me. Rubbing his fingertips to his temples.

"To think I could have permanently erased his existence in one life, he just had to come to this one too," as much as he complained he still snatched the briefs from my fingertips and threw them into the cart. Now I was howling in laughter, causing Nami to push the cart away from me.

-Time Skip-

Checking out was a process within itself but it felt nice to have a second person helping me with bagging and getting everything organized. I didn't bring enough reusable bags, so Nanami bagged everything else in the paper bags provided. Was I looking forward to paying six hundred dollars today? Of course not, but what choice did I have?

A lot of choices, realistically I don't have to help him but who in their right mind would in my situation. Luckily, we were in Target, anywhere else and I feel like he would've run into somebody else, and it could've been a bad person, am I a good person? I would like to think so. I mind my business and go about my day usually.

"Thank you for all of this, sincerely f/n," his words pulled me out of my head as I crumpled the receipt and threw it out in the nearest garbage as I proceeded to push the cart in the parking lot and to my car.

"It's no big deal, I don't mind. I rarely do this for people and it's the least I could do for you," I smiled and remembered that his story ended too soon for anyone's liking.

I get stuck in my thoughts upon reaching my car and popping open the trunk to put the bags into them. The realization of the circumstances is now fully hitting me. Nanami is supposed to be dead; but he's here with me, helping me to put bags into my car. I could feel my eyes tearing up causing me to stifle a sniffle as to not make him worry about me or see me in distress. Sadly, my efforts fail as he eyes me when I wipe my eyes with my sleeve.

"Oh, f/n/ are you okay...?" He's staring at me intently, leaning down causing our faces to being closer than they have been during this whole journey, my breath hitched in my throat, seeing his eyes in person is more intense than seeing them on screen. My face is now at least fifty degrees hotter than it should be. I could only imagine how my red face and wide eyes now look on top of my tear-stained face. I smile at him; I can feel the ingenuity radiating off it.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine just thinking, no worries, let's get home," I let out a small laugh, putting the last bag into the trunk and carrying on to the driver's side of the car which he also tries to do. We both stop at the door, and I look to him and the door.

"As much as I would love to have you drive but driving here is probably different than it is in Japan, in fact, I know it is," he nodded at my words and proceeded to walk to the other side, his eyes darting around the clean car. Well, kind of clean, there's a couple of empty to almost empty water bottles scattered in the car. He looks at me as I buckle my seat belt.

"Don't look at me like that Nami, that's my car water," I laugh, turning the ignition and driving out of the parking lot. His eyebrows are scrunched again.

"Car water?" he asks keeping his eyes on me as I drive.

"It's water, I keep in the car to drink when I get thirsty," I respond back, he doesn't say anything back and it causes me to laugh again. 

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