Chapter 12: Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?

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(V/N) then makes his eyes glow a dark (F/C) color as inside of the portal Luna started to become more relaxed in her sleep.

(V/N): Perhaps this can beneficial to send Equestria into despair before our arrival back into the reality of the land.

Grogar: I see. . . in order to gain your power back you're using Luna as a vessel of some sorts.

(V/N) smirks as his fanged teeth were showing in that smirk that he was making. Grogar then thought about something as he looks at (V/N) slightly concerned.

Grogar: Wait! What about your son? It's obvious that he's going to find out about this and try to save Equestria along with those pitiful mares of his!

(V/N): *chuckles* (Y/N) is strong. . . but having power in his or other's dreams is not in his league. He'll be powerless in the dream realm. Trust me, even if he does find a way to gain power in there. . . he won't stand a chance.

Grogar: And if he does defeat the darkness inside of Luna?

(V/N): It won't matter either way. It'll be beneficial for me as I'll still get a lot of my strength back and the process for me to actually get back into reality with go a lot more faster.

Grogar was surprised to hear this before he gains a sinister look on his face as both him and (V/N) laugh evilly at their plan to try and corrupt Princess Luna and all of Equestria again. Whatever (V/N) is planning for Princess Luna cannot be good as all of Equestria could be on the verge of eternal doom in their dreams and nightmares.

Equestria. . .

Apparently danger was already on the way for our heroes as we can see the hooves of each of the Mane 7 galloping at top speed through what looks to be the Castle of Two Sisters. The place is just as much a wreck as it was before the Mane 7 set to work renovating it last season and Princess Luna stands on the half-smashed walkway that connects the separate daises on which the two thrones rest. Daylight is visible through the shattered windows and collapsed ceiling.

As the headlong charge continues, the Princess of the Night faces grimly ahead and a blotch of starry, midnight-blue energy floats into view behind her.

She flicks it a glance from the corner of her eye before speaking

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She flicks it a glance from the corner of her eye before speaking.

Princess Luna: Greetings, Tantabus. I am ready. Do your worst.

The sky darkens into night, and the insubstantial entity forms itself into a sphere. It gains a red corona and throws dark beams over the throne room, causing her to moan and shudder in pain as they make contact. Twilight, (Y/N), and all five of her friends burst through the doors at the opposite end and skid to a stop with a collective gasp of terror. Just like what happened thousands of moons ago in the past, Luna becomes enveloped in a sphere of the whirling energy that transformed her into Nightmare Moon. Sympathetic vibrations set the whole room shaking.

MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 5)Where stories live. Discover now