"Morning, Mum-" Estella's eye's widened. 

"What?" I asked but I knew what she was going to say.

"Your eye's..." she bit her nail.

"I know! I look like a monster! What will the Baroness think of me!" I whined, Estella looked at me shocked and then she smiled.

"You like her don't you?!" She exclaimed. I scoffed, 

"I do not! She so self centered and ridiculously rude!" I retorted.

"Sure..." she said. After I got dressed me and Estella got into a cab and went to work.

I looked out the window and saw all the flowers, they were so pretty

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I looked out the window and saw all the flowers, they were so pretty...

Anyway, I realized the car had come to a stop. I thank the driver and tipped him, me and Stella went our separate ways.

"Miss Y/N" Kaitlyn greeted from her station. I smiled at her, me and her have become very close it's like we are sisters.

I was soon called to the Baroness's office. 

"Ah, your late. Grab a pad." I quickly grabbed one and lined up with the rest of the people.

"I need 12 pieces, and I have..." she counted and ripped every single one down.

"Zero." She turned back around.

"I need ten pieces that work by 3:00 a.m." 


Everyone hurried out of the office. But, the Baroness called after me.

"Y/N" I turned around and asked 


"Your eye's..." she said

"I know, I know, I look absolutely terrible!" I said lower my head to the ground. The Baroness walked over to me. She took my face in her hands, She brought up my face so I had to look at her.

"Y/N..." she said as a tear rolled down my face.

"I'm sorry I just look hideous, revolting, horrible, horrendous, disgus-"I choked on sobs  as I ranted.

"Y/N stop saying synonyms for hideous. Because you are not, but if it really does mean a lot to you, I can do your makeup." She caressed my cheek.

"I'm sorry I just get really annoyed about my looks sometimes..." I said.

"Darling, you are beautiful so don't get annoyed about you're looks." She said. She took my hand and sat me down on the chair. She grabbed a few cosmetics from her drawer.

She sat there doing my makeup, she had to touch my face which I have to agree I kind of liked.

"There. All done" she smiled, for the first time I saw her smile, it caused my stomach to erupt with butterflies.

"Right. Thank you Baroness." I left the office and met Kaitlyn downstairs.

"I got you lunch." She handed me a bag with a sandwich, I smiled.

"Thank you, love you!" I hugged her, we both went outside and ate lunch.


Baroness's POV

I watched as she left, had I really fallen for this girl? Or is my heart really tricking me?

She went down the steps and met a girl at the bottom.

"Thank you, love you!" All of a sudden I got jealous, that girl...who is she? Is she Y/N's...?

UGH, I don't even want to say it.

All I know is that girl is not winning...

I looked on my surveillance camera, I saw Y/N was sketching something. Suddenly, I forgot about everything and focused on the show. I told guards to go get her,

"Oh, Y/N, I am surprised at you holding out on me" the guards left and closed the door to give us privacy.

"But I was on my lunch break in a public space."

"Yes, I own the alley."

"Really? You can own alleys?"

"Alleys, designs, people, their souls. same thing."

"Well, I seem to have found my new signature piece." she took her blade and cut off one of the pages of my sketchbook

"How do you like it?" I was stunned. That really was a step too far, 

"It's great Baroness, but I do have to add a few more details like the butterfly cocoons." 

"Oh, no darling we can't risk the unpredictable hatching." I was about to say something, but nothing came out I just simply walked away. But I will get my revenge...

A/N: I'm sorry if it's out of order I had to switch something's around to make the story work! Anyway don't forget to follow and vote! Bye my lovelies ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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