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I was at the Baroness's house again, we were in her office talking fashion of course. We were sorting out the dresses for the next show.

Baroness: There's something about it that irritates me and I always trust my instincts.

Y/N: thought maybe if you tighten the silhouette...

Baroness: Oh, you thought, did you?

Y/N: I think it's better.

I showed her my notebook, she looked at it for a few seconds and responded.

Baroness: Actually, it is.

I smiled to myself satisfied, I looked back down and grabbed my phone out of my pocket. It was currently 11:23. 

Estella should be calling me in 3...2...1 *RING*

"I have to take this." I walked out the office, and picked up the phone.

"Hey, Stella where are you?" 

"I'm inside, a guy named Jefferey let me in. I'm at one of the stations right now."

"Right, look for a woman named Kaitlyn she'll show you the ropes of how everything works."

"Ok, Love you bye!"

"Love you to, darling." And with that we both hung up. I entered the Baroness's office, she looked at me and suddenly said.

"Time for my nine minute power nap." I nodded and grabbed two cucumbers, Something in general surprised me, she had a necklace that looked exactly like Estella's mom's necklace.

"Your necklace." I said out loud on accident.

"Oh. Family heirloom. Funny story, actually." She chuckled

"An employee once stole it." 

"She did not." I said acting like I was shocked, she bought it thankfully.

"Did she work for you?" I asked

"Mmm. Once. Years before. She stole this, was stupid enough to come back and then she fell off a cliff and died." She said without any emotion. I was a bit shocked, I thought she would at least say it with a little bit of emotion.

"How terrible." I whispered.

"Yes, it was, actually. It was during my winter ball and her death really overshadowed the whole thing." She laid down and put the cucumbers on her eyes.

"Who was the woman?"

"Not really the point of the story. The story's about how lucky I am, but anyway, she had a kid. Kid's a snowflake. Special, blah-blah-blah. It was a basic shakedown situation actually."

"Maybe she...Maybe she just really loved her kid." I said

"Maybe she only had one person to take care of and she failed dismally." And in that moment I knew how self centered she actually was, but there was a feeling inside my stomach drawing me closer to her. Should I let it continue?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the door burst open.

"Speak" The Baroness said

"Baroness, we have that meeting at the Ritz." he said slightly hesitant 

"Oh, for heaven's sakes." She sat up and threw the cucumbers at Roger.

"Necklace. Y/N, shoes" I quickly knelt down in front of her, for a second I though I saw her...smirk? I help her put it on.

"Come along."  Everyone followed her again, I go back to my seat to review some outfits.

At the end of the day the Baroness still hadn't came. So, I went home the whole night I kept tossing and turning, I got at least 5 hours of sleep.

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