13. Keep you like an oath

Start from the beginning

"That's too ba- Wait. You said he."

"No, I didn't," Brandon says quickly, covering his mouth. "You misunderstood, I said she. Not he. It's a she."

"Sure. You totally said she."

"I did. You know, if you let me talk to her, she'd be the happiest baby in the world." He murmurs in my ear before pressing his lips to my neck. It isn't the first time Brandon has done it, but it feels like it.

"Brandon..." I whisper, then trail off, not sure on what I planned on saying in the first place. My shaking hands reaching to pull the hem of his black shirt up over his head. I slide my hands under the fabric, my palms dragging across his torso while I push the fabric over his body. I can feel his heart beating under my hands while I remove his shirt, urging me to make quicker work of it. Once the thin material ghosts to the floor, I drag my hands down his body, reaching for the waistband of his jeans.

"Uh, Callie," Brandon says, his green irises lighting up. "I think your hormones are getting the best of you. You're becoming horny again." He jokes, biting his lower lip.

"Shut up," I murmur, my hands sliding back up his torso, and I feel his eyes on me. It sounds so bad, but I like to feel them on me. "I want you," I tell him, standing on my tippytoes to brush our lips together. "Right now."

"Dammit, Callie," Brandon groans, his hands finding my waist, pushing the fabric of my shirt up, his nails digging in slightly. "You can't just say stuff like that to me when you don't mean it."

"C'mon, Brandon," I whine, pressing my lips to his collarbone. "I'm not lying. I want you."

"Well," He says lowly, gripping my waist tighter. "In that case, we should take this upstairs, huh?" I smile and grab his hand, leading him up the stairs. He chuckles softly, and I look back at him.

"What?" I ask as he reaches over me, opening the door to his bedroom.

"Nothing. I think this is the happiest I've seen you in awhile." Brandon says, smiling cheekily.

"I'm with you. Duh." I say, and he smirks, gently pushing me against the mattress. I weave my fingers through his hair, and his irises light up.

"You're overdressed, baby," He murmurs, "We're gonna make it even okay?"

I'm about to say something back, but then he gets a sudden look of confusion on his face. "Wait. How is this going to work?"

"B, sometimes I think you're still a virgin," I inform him and a small frown makes its way on his lips. "We've done this before."

"I know. But, uh... Ya know. That was before there was a baby inside of you." Brandon explains.


"Well, when you put it like that, you make it sound really weird. Just remember, you're the reason why he's there." I tell him, not really sure on how to react.

"True," Brandon says, his hands slipping underneath my shirt. "Now stop distracting me, I'm trying to do something for you." His hands slide up beneath my shirt and he pulls it slowly over my head, pausing to stare at me. "God, you're so beautiful." Brandon whispers, the look on his face is pure longing, and I blush. My hands are twined in the brown hair above his neck. "I love you, Callie." he breathes into my neck.

I hesitate to answer him. Not because I'm afraid that he doesn't mean it, but the fact that I could possibly somehow ruin it. "I love you, too." I manage to say.

"You don't sound so sure." Brandon says. I stare into his face, his green eyes that I could fall into if I paused for long enough.

"I am. I love you, B."

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