"Ransom! Stop!" I yelled and he forcibly let him go back into the chair.

"I have proof." I said and moved the sleeve of my sweater up and showed the bruise on my wrist. Linda looked at Richard.

"I had my suspicions of you for years but no one would ever come forward. You had scared them all into not talking. I don't know what made Tiffany come forward but I am glad she did." Linda said walking over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Come one Linda you are really going to trust the word of some slut and the trust fund prick over your own husband?!" Richard asked. Harlan stood up.

"Don't you talk about my grandson and future granddaughter like that! Get the hell out of my house and don't come back! Linda will have divorce papers for you by Monday." Harlan bellowed out. We all just looked at him in slight shock.

"I better get what's coming to me in this divorce!" Richard said.

"Don't think about trying to get one red cent from her. You signed the prenup." Ransom said as Richard walked over to me and got in my face.

"You will pay for this! You are making me lose everything." Richard said and Ransom pushed him away as Linda pulled me to her.

"Get the fuck out! Never come back here, never come near the family, or Tiffany ever again! You have any contact I will make sure you can't speak again ever again!" Ransom said and followed Richard out of the house. Ransom came back in and gently cupped my face.

"Are you okay?" Ransom asked and I nodded. He leaned in and gave me a small kiss. Linda cleared her throat.

"Okay, we need to discuss this..." Linda said pointing to the two of us clearly irritated. Ransom released my face.

"Linda you just went through a lot with Richard, are you sure you want to do this now?" Harlan asked and she nodded.

"I do." Linda said. She walked closer to Ransom and I.

"I told you this would be a bad idea, why must you both defy me?" Linda asked and I sighed.

"Linda please, let me explain....-" I started to say and she held up her hand and looked at Ransom.

"I told you to stay away from her. I know she did pursue you. Why would you defy me Ransom?" Linda asked.

"It was never my intention. I met her at the coffee shop before I knew she worked for you. Once I figured it out and you swore me off of her, I didn't want to take it as a challenge but I did thoroughly enjoy her company and I wanted to get to know her." Ransom said.

"Why not just tell me?" Linda asked.

"With all due respect Linda, would you have listened to what we wanted? Would you have let it happen?" I asked and Harlan snickered. Linda glared at her father.

"You approve of this?" Linda asked.

"Of course I do. I consider Tiffany a future granddaughter and part of this family already. She is a sweet girl and just what Ransom needs." Harlan said. Ransom looked at me, leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"My gorgeous girl." Ransom whispered in my ear and I gave a small laugh. Linda was watching us and then just huffed a laugh and shook her head.

"I knew this was going to happen. I warned you off each other for a reason." Linda said and we laughed.

"You warned us off each other knowing we wouldn't listen?" Ransom asked.

"Ransom, you are hardheaded stubborn ass, when have you ever listened to me? I knew if I told you to stay away you would see it as a challenge. Tiffany, I told you to stay away because you are so sweet and I couldn't stand to see you hurt by him but in reality I knew you two were also what the other needed." Linda said and we smiled at Linda and then at each other.

"Ransom, are you going to hurt her?" Harlan asked.

"Never, I'm falling love with here." Ransom said and I looked at him in shock.

"What?" I asked, Ransom turned to look at me.

"Tiff...gorgeous...I am falling in love with you." Ransom said and I smiled at him.

"Handsome...Clydesdale, I am falling in love with you too." I said and he smiled while rolling his eyes at the name.

"You better be." Ransom said, leaned in and kissed me. Once we broke apart I looked at Linda.

"I still have a job right?" I asked and she gave a small laugh.

"Of course you do but this one needs to not be showing up all the time." Linda said.

"Don't worry, I will keep him busy." Harlan said and we looked at him.

"How?" Ransom asked.

"I was happy you called this dinner for more reasons than you guys spilling your secrets and truth. I have a business proposition for you Ransom." Harlan said and I smiled at Ransom.

"Why don't we eat and then discuss it over a game of Go?" Harlan asked and I smiled.

"Your on." Ransom said and we all sat down. 

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