Chapter One

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Y/n= your name
[]= action or tone before speaking
Bold and under lined= POV change
Italic= To be continued and recap's
(An): Just so you know i have changed some of the story so that both sides might meet, but that won't happen until later in the story.

             The sun slowly rises to create a new day. And as it rises a keep is shown that resides in tal'dorei in the city of Emon, which is a day airship ride or four day boat ride from the coast of Union. At the state of Union resides several different regions that are named Vale,Mistral,Vacuo, and Atlas and they make up the continent of remnant. The next are the five main villages of the Ninja's called the hidden Leaf, Sand, stone, Mist, and Cloud village's. Then the final of these four different regions that expand all over the state of Union is japan and it holds two of the five factions at Musutafu and kuoh where the supernatural like devils, angels, fallen angels and hero's reside and help the citizens of these two cities. 

           Now enough about Union for now. Back at the keep at Emon inside said keep is a group of adventures known as Vox Machina which in Latin means "Voice Machine". The members of this group are Scanlan Shorthalt, Pike Trickfoot, Grog Strongjaw, Val'ildan, Vex'ahlia, Keyleth, the groups animal companion which is a bear named trinket, and finally Y/n de Rolo. Currently there eating breakfast and Y/n was thinking intently and as he was Keyleth Walked into the kitchen where every one was eating and she says.

Keyleth: Good morning everyone!
Everyone else but Scanlan and Vax:[groggy/tired] Morning.
Scanlan: Why is she yelling?

Keyleth then see's Vax at a counter Grabing food and call's out to him by saying this.

Keyleth: Oh, good morning, Vax.
Vax: [muffled] Morning.

     And as Vax is waking to a table with his breakfast Keyleth gives him a questioning look. Then after the look has disappeared Grog punches Vax's balls.... ouch I felt that even though I'm the writing this Fanfic. Anyway right after Grog punches Vax's balls he said.

Grog: Seven to two.
Vax:[wailing in pain softly, and in a strained voice] I never agreed to this stupid game!
Y/n:[sighs] Must you?
Scanlan: All of us can't be aloof tight-asses, de Rolo.
Y/n: I'm simply suggesting you could all benefit from well-practiced restraint.
Trinket: [Softly roars]
Vex: Emotions aren't meant to be bottled up. [then cuddles with trinket] Maybe you should cut loose once in a while Y/n.

      The group then hears a knock on the door of there over grown abode. The door was un-locked so the person nocking on the door could enter, and said person is lady Allura who is one of the councilors of Emon. And as she enter's she calls out to Vox Machina. As she is walking forwards she hears muffled voices behind a door, they are complaining about how the door is stuck and ask Grog to give it a "nudge". And by give it a "nudge" Grog kicks the door open a it shatters on impact withe the stone wall beside Lady Allura, who is unfazed as it happens.

Vax: [chuckles] Lady Allura, welcome. Hope you Didn't feel the need to bring us a housewarming present.
Lady Allura: I didn't. Alas, I'm only here to remind you that Sovereign Uriel. Expects you to attend his dinner.
Vex: Oh shit. That's tonight?
Y/n: [excited] Finally. A night of proper protocol and civilized conversation.
Lady Allura: It's more than a party. Dignitaries from across the real are here to form a new security pact. We all must put our best fooot foreword.
Grog: [confused] right. W-Which foot is that? [as he chuck's a plate behind him shattering it in the process]
Scanlan: Hey,Pike, want to be my date? I promise to be on my best/worst behavior.
Pike: [nervous] Oh,I-I'm okay.
Vax: Lady Allura, we appreciate the gravity of the situation and will present ourselves with utmost dignity.[then punches Grog in hi balls]
Grog: [strained] Yeah. Good one. Seven to five.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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