Chapter 1~ the start of randomness

313 3 4


⏳: what is this, what in the name of dialga is this device

✨✨: First adaman, that's a phone, second this is a group chat where we can talk

⏳:Who else is here

✨✨: Girlo akari

💅:Did someone say my name?

✨✨:Yes, also when texting nobody uses a question mark

💅: Why

✨✨: Bruh

🌌: What does bruh mean

✨✨: *Dramatic sigh*

A time skip brought to you by Cillian trying to teacher people how to use a phone

✨✨: Ok do u guys finally understand

💅: Yeah, hold on, how do you know this stuff and how did you get these devices

✨✨: I think you forgot I caught literal god in a small ball so he could just give me my memory back and I caught time dragon so I could just, you know steal some from the future

⏳: This is why dialga is better then palkia

🌌: *Disagrees*

A time skip from cillian and akari being besties

🔵: Help

💅: help I just saw Cillian jump off a cliff


⏳: Can I jump off too?

💅: Why would you want to jump off a cliff

⏳: Irida ran all they way from the alabaster ice lands pearl settlement to the crimson mirilands diamond settlement just to tell me that I worship a false god

✨✨: I mean technically she's not wrong tho

🔴: Is nobody gonna talk about what cyllean needs help with

✨✨:Forgot about her ngl

🔵: I'm right here

✨✨ Sorry commander

🔵: That's better

🔴: Cyllean is curled up in a ball in the corner of the room because a wurmple got in

✨✨: Oh that's Harold

💅: Oh Harold, he's the best

🔵: Cillian did you put him here

✨✨: No @💀 did

💅: Cillian did you just blame commander komado for something you did

💀: I did do that actually

💅: Bruh


The end of chapter 1
Word count 308

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