Thumbkisses and Fumbling Hands

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Gabe was on tour again, and William was lonely without him. He was always cold, and instead of eating his boyfyriend's genius cooking, he was eating Stouffer's lasagna, all by himself.

Sisky would stop by, so would Hayley and Chad, but now that they were in their own bands- well, everyone toured at the same time, for the most part. So here he was, on a Saturday night he would normally spend listening to Cobra rehearsing in the front of the house, sitting in one of Gabe's flannels and his boxers, watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

His phone rang, and he rushed to pick it up.

"Hello, mi amor." Gabe said into the phone.

"Hey Gabe. "

"I miss you. It's my one day off, and I'm spending it curled up in my bunk talking to you. "

"I wanna see you soon. It's been a month since you left and this is the first time you've called me. I miss you so much. "

"I'll be back for a week, mi querido. In like, a month. "

"I-I know, Gabe. I just miss you so much."

"I know, baby, I know. "

"When can we Face Time? It's New Years Eve, and we've never not had a New Years kiss. "

"Billvy- I've gotta go soon. Victoria and her boyfriend are on the bus, so only god knows how much we'll hear if we stay on the phone."

"Okay. I-I love you."

"I love you too, mi querido. Get this app, it's called Couple. Add me from your contacts and message me. I'll teach you how to use it. We can FaceTime later. "

"Okay, I love you. I'll message you on there. See you."

"See you, mi amor." Gabe hung up the phone and left William to finish his lasagna, as Kim cried abut how nobody liked her.

William got the app and added Gabe, and sent him a message about it.

Hey, mi amor.

Hey Gabe.

I miss you.

I miss you too. FaceTime me? I'm on the other bus that Victoria isn't on

Yeah. See you in a second

William called Gabe, and soon his face was on the screen, his smile lighting up the dark room.

"We're you watching trash TV again?" Gabe laughed.


"It's 11:57,mi amor. Do you want our kiss?"

"Yes, yes please. I miss you- so so much."

"Okay. Go to the app, open the app. Click in thumbkiss, and slowly move your thumb closer to mine. We can talk until it happens. "


William opened the app, and clicked on the Thumbkiss button. He slowly moved his thumb around the screen, seeing it light up as he got closer to Gabe's.

It was 11:59 now, and it was nearing midnight in seconds. He moved his thumb towards Gabe as he saw the countdown on TV.






Their fingerprints touched and William's screen turned pink and his phone started to vibrate.

"I love you, mi amor." Gabe whispered.

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