Waking Nightmare

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Regina pulls the her thick comforter over her, wishing that it lived up to its name. She could still feel dried tears on her cheeks and her chest ached as though her heart had broken in two. Robin had chosen Marian in the end but Regina had still loved him. It was Regina's fault that Robin had died. And even though Rumple had gone back on his word. And he had been the one who had him killed. Regina felt as though his blood were on her hands.
The thought of Robin kept Regina awake for hours but soon her thoughts traveled to Emma.
Emma's heart would be turned dark and Regina would be the cause. And Emma's blood will join Robin's on her hands. Because even tough Emma wouldn't die, she wouldn't be Emma anymore and Regina has wondered if that's even worse.
Tomorrow Regina would have to go back with Emma and pretend like everything is fine. And like she isn't about to betray her.
Regina had hoped that Rumple had made a mistake and let his vengeance take over sense. If Robin was dead, what reason would Regina have to turn Emma dark? But Robin's death didn't just leave Roland an orphan, it left him with Zelena. Regina may have considered Robin's death as an option, for the better of the city, but she could never kill a child.
Regina will turn Emma's heart dark. And Emma will become the monster that she once helped Regina defeat. Regina will be the downfall of Emma as Emma was the saviour for Regina.
The minutes tick by, each one sleepless. It takes till nearly five am for exhaustion to force Regina asleep and away from the thoughts tearing at her mind.

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