chapter 9: it's cold outside..

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Haha! Totally didn't just use the chapter name as a reference to a song!
☆Dipper's POV☆
'Wake up. She's about to leave.' I hear a whisper call. I open my eyes, a black fade pushing it's way out to show the light. "Dipper, I am gonna be leaving soon to go home." I hear Candy say. I grab my phone from the desk beside the couch and look at the weather. It's very cold. "Candy, are you sure? You're gonna freeze yourself out there." I say. "Really?" She chuckles. I shrug. I lay back into a comfortable position, wanting to sleep. I feel a zeal shiver through my mood as I get up from the couch either way. I yawn to myself and start making lunch, because me and Candy were sleeping during the day for a long time. I feel Candy slide her arms around me with comfort. She pecks me on the cheek. I open the fridge, only to instantly closing it, not wanting food. "I might as well see how cold it is." She says. I hear the tapping on her screen as she then gasps. "Oh my.. We had a snowstorm? How long ago?" She queries. I shrug, not really caring. I walk over to the couch and turn on the TV. As it turns on I hear the clock in the room, ticking. Tick.. Tock.. Tick.. Tock.. It's ticking fills the air as I enter my comfort zone. I hear the radio of the TV come on suddenly. "This just in, we have had a snowstorm in Organ, Gravity Falls. Lets get onto an interviewer. Have the people survived? Yes. Are they ok, mentally and physically? Physically, yes. Mentally-... They were never to begin with." I hear Candy come in with pancakes. She lays her head on my shoulder. "Oh! And look at that? Seems to be ANOTHER snowstorm is going to be coming!" The news yells. Candy lightly chokes on her food as she hears that, while I...- pat her back. "BUT it will NOT kill anyone!" Me and Candy look at each other. "Seriously?" I mutter. The news sucks here.
Ok sorry it's short I am just in a bad mood- srry!!

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