Chapter 3

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I woke up before my alarm. But my human alarm burst into my room.

"WAKEEE-. Oh your already awake!" Alexia said surprised

"Yeah. Figured I should wake up earlier" I said heading to the bathroom

I turned on the shower and went in. The nice relaxing water dripped down my face

That boy. Pathetic but charming? James and Alexia slept together.. How? I didn't even drink at that party. Not much of a party!

I looked at the clock in the bathroom:


5 minutes to get out and get there

I quickly threw on my clothes and did my hair and rushed out the door

Texting Convo:

Alexia: Sorry I left. I had cheer practice

Angel: Oh its fine

Alexia: See you at lunch then

By time we finished texting I was already in the hallways!

I still heard the whispers and mumbles but this time it was muffled...
It wasn't directed to me but in front of me

"hells sake" I said looking up to only see that one person I didn't want to see at all today

Leo but with a few other people
A girl and 4 boys.

As soon as I was about to head to my class. Attention was brought back onto me

That's better. Just as it should be

The bell rang it was time for class.

"Angel. Say the lines of the first paragraph of Woods life off by heart!" Miss Rose said

Shit. I was meant to do that yesterday but that party.

"I don't know... I forgot" I said sighing hard

"That's a full day detention, off you go to detention!" She shouted

Was she serious?

"Excuse me?" I said raising a brow

"Would you like me to make it two days Angel?" She said leaning over me

"No ma'am.." I said walking out

First detention ever...
What do I expect?

I slowly approached the detention room door and knocked. I heard shouting and fighting.

What the hell? Sounded like hell indeed

"Enter" The teacher said in a shaken voice

I opened the door slowly-

The fighting and shouting stopped. Yet again the attention was brought onto me.
But I didn't like this attention, it wasn't pleasing at all

I took in my surroundings.
Leo was there along with those people he was with.

"Would you look at that Leo, a new face has entered the lions den" One of the guys howled

He just stared at me. Not saying a word

"She doesn't look like she belongs here" The girl said giving me an off look

"That's because I don't" I said quickly sitting down

"Guys chill out. She looks freaked out. Why are you in here though?"One other said

"All the more to freak her out" The girl scoffed

"I was at a party yesterday and I forgot to practise something" I said writing my lines and reading them in my head

"Yeah well that's minor. I'm Jay, that moody girl other there is Eve, the two quiet twins there are Teddy and Creed and that one who howled at you is Hunter, finally he's Leo" He said pointing

"nice to meet you all I guess" I said writing

The bell went. Lunch it is

I was just about to get up until the teacher stopped me

"Where are you going?" She asked

"To lunch?" I said getting up and walking to the door

"No. This is all day detention Angel! Sit back down!"

"Your joking right? I'm hungry though" I said sitting back down

"We all are sweetheart. Just deal with it" Leo finally said taking out a chocolate bar from his pocket

"So you can finally talk?" I said facing him

"I'm sorry what?" He said looking annoyed

"nothing" I said turning back around

That bastard

A few minutes later something dropped on my desk.

A chocolate bar? Eh something better than nothing

"Thanks uh?" I said confused, not knowing who threw it to me

"No problem" Said Jay

I ate so silently

"We've been in here for 30 minutes and your already turning into Teddy!" Jay laughed

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Your just being quiet. Eat normally" Leo interupted

The end of chapter 3

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