Things Went Worse

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Back at Tyler's party, Mei and her besties hung out on Tyler's roof. When everyone was distracted with cake, they snuck off and found the best place to take a break, courtesy of Mei's high jumping skills. They had a gorgeous view of Toronto's evening skyline.

Mei stuffed a birthday cake into her mouth. "We did it!" she cheered. "We are seeing 4Town!"
They all made a toast with pieces of cake and listened to a radio as they borrowed from Tyler's house. It played music from a local Top 40 station.

"Hey!" they heard Tyler say from down below. "Anyone seen Mei?"

The girls ducked, then peered over the rood edge to check out the situation. Tyler was in the yard with some of his guests scanning the area.

"Dang, he is working for you," Priya said.

"Ugh, what a diva," Abby added.

Abby wounded her arms like she was going to throw her plate of cake at Tyler but Miriam stopped her.

"It'll all be worth it," Mei said, satisfied. She lay back on the roof and relaxed. Mei shape shifts back into a human. They settled back and looked at the sky. The moon hung low, huge and bright.

"Tomorrow," Mei said, "we are walking into that concert as girls, and coming out as women."
Miriam held up her arm. "Literally goosebumps."

"What do you think Jesse smells like?" Priya asked.

Miriam stared dreamfully at the sky. "Milk chocolate and wet rocks."

"Oh, yes," Abby agreed.

"Wow," Mei said. She pulled out her digital pet game from her pocket. "It's happening, Robaire Junior!" she said, happily. "You're finally gonna meet your daddy!"

"And your hot uncles," Abby said.

Miriam turned to Mei. "What if you didn't do the ritual? What if you kept the panda?"


"Look at you! You're not the same, feather dusting, straight A, goody goody-"

"-who we never saw," Priya cuts in. "Like, ever."

"Yeah!" Abby agreed.

"You're such a rebel now," Miriam said.

"Guys," Mei said. "I can't be like this forever! My whole life would freak, especially my mom." Mei felt her stomach drop. "All her hopes and dreams are pinned on me."

"I know," Miriam replied, "But you've really changed. and...I'm proud of you. Just don't get rid of all of it, ya now."

"Yeah," Abby said. "If it weren't for you, none of this would be happening. You the bomb."

"Word," Priya said. "You da bomb, Mei."

"Yes!" Mei said to the sky. "We da bomb!"

They howled and screamed at the moon and stars, and then they put their hands in. They wiggle their fingers together and group hugs. As the girls hugged, the radio played on. "Aight, homies," the DJ said, "next up is 4Town. The boys are coming to Toronto on the twenty fifth. So get your tickets now and check in. They'll be crankin' opening the stadium dome and performing under a red lunar eclipse. It's gonna be galactic for sure-"

The girls froze. Twenty fifth?

"Abby," Mei responded, carefully. Her brown eyes seemed to have shrunken so small she can't even breathe. "You said the concert is the eighteenth." 

Abby hesitated. She was sure that the concert was the eighteenth. "It is!" Abby pulled the concert flyer from her pocket. "He's wrong, look. The eighteenth, Toronto!"

I'm Sometimes a Red Panda [Turning Red]Where stories live. Discover now