I'm a Red Panda!

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Mei blinked and looked around. Kids were too busy choking on the smoke when they noticed the huge pink cloud. Mei saw her mother and her sister outside. They locked eyes. 

Mii eyes went wide with fear as she saw her sister. What Mii did saw that something had happened to her. In Mei's place was an enormous monster of red fur. Why does her sister look like a....a....giant.....red....panda?

Oh no. They saw her.

Ming gaped at her daughter's huge red panda form.  Mei's eyes turn from red to amber realizing that she had turned.

Her teacher, Mr. K opened a window and smoke billowed out. Mei panicked and ran from the classroom.

In the chaos, Ming ran to the building and climbed through the window. "Mei Mei! Come back!" Mii followed after her as well, panting wildly.

Mei skidded into the hall. She knocked over trash cans and utility carts as she sprinted for the girl's room. She accidentally barreled into two band kids on the way. A trombone went flying. The kids fell to the ground without even knocking what had hit them.

Mei dashed into the restroom and wedged the edge of a trash can underneath the door handle. Just then, Stacy Frick came out of the stall. She looked up at Mei and froze.


Mei covered Stacy's face with her enormous paw, muffling her voice. She gently pushed Stacy back into her stall. The trash can at the door stuck as a student in the hall banged on the door to get in.

May jolted back into action and jammed her huge body through a window. She fell outside in a heat, rolled to her feet, and ran past another classroom door. On the other side of the glass was Ming!

Ming spotted Mei and changed direction to follow her.

Mei shoved a gate open and raced past the entrance of the school just as Ming and Mii burst through the front doors, she waved frantically at her daughter.

"Mei Mei! Stop!" she called.

But Mei was too far away from her. Ming and Mii ran to her car and peeled out the lot. she called her husband on her phone as he drove off.  "Jin! Jin! Get home now! There's been an emergency!"

"Is it the woman thing?" Jin said.

"No!" Ming replied. "Another one!"

Mei raced down an alleyway. When she emerged, she ran headlong into a man and a woman enjoying a stroll.

Mei turned and ran in the opposite direction. She scrambled, flailing and crashed into patio furniture of an outdoor café. She knocked a man wearing headphones out of his chair.

Mei veered into a filthy narrow alleyway. She tried to squeeze through, but she was too big. She has to squirm and wiggle her way through. She finally popped out of the other side and fell to the ground. she gagged, grossed out from the garbage and filth smeared all over her fur.

Mei peeked out from behind a building, center down the sidewalk. attempting to hide her enormous bulk from a passing skateboarder, she hid on the side of a parked delivery van, not realizing that she was in the middle of the street.

A car horn honk. Tires screeched. A green sedan stopped inches away from her. For a split second, Mei and the drivers stared at each other. The drivers screamed. Cars piled up behind them. Mei jumped onto the roof of a car and then she leaked onto the fire escape nearby. She scrambled up the ladder. As she climbed, the top end of the fire escape came loose from the building. Mei jumped off the ladder and landed on a sign anchored to another building. Mei used the sign like a step stool as she clung to the roof edge, but the sign quickly gave way beneath her weight and crashed to the ground. Ming's car pulled up and screeched to a hold. Ming looked up and gasped as she saw a flash of red fur scrambling onto the roof.

I'm Sometimes a Red Panda [Turning Red]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang