Chapter five.. explaination

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!! Important! This chapter might be a bit triggering! It contains p4rents, and ch34ting (obviously). If you aren't comfortable with any of those subjects, I recommend you don't read this. If you do want to continue reading, I hope you enjoy! !!

Zoey and drew were walking home together, then they remembered what happened.

3:28 P.M. Thursday, November 15. Zoey's POV.

"Hey.." Drew said to me. "Zoey. I remember that you were cheating on me?"

"Okay.." I whispered, "I'll explain.."

7:05 A.M. Monday, September 13. Zoey's POV.

I put all my school supplies in my backpack, then I walk outside my bedroom. I see my parents in the l1ving room, looking a bit nervous.

They look at me, and start smiling. "It's your first day of highschool!" My m0ther exclaimed.
"Hahaha.." I laughed, anxiously, "I'm so excited! And sc4red.." "Oh, don't be sc4red, darling!" She said, trying to comfort me, "If it makes you feel better, during school, you're going to be r1ch!"

"What??" I questioned, "What do you mean?? How??"
"You're going to be the star of highschool!"

"Mum, I don't want to be the star of-"
"You'll d4te a r1ch man!"
"Mum, I don't want to-"
"and!! You're going to get all his money..?"

"Mum!! I don't want to do any of that!! That's a terrible thing to do!!"
"..Well.. imagine all the things you could get! Clothing, ice cream, anything! Also, I think you should go to school now, before you miss the bus."

I sighed. "Yes, mum. Thanks, bye!"

I walk out the door, and go to the bus stop. I think about what she said. Well, I know they don't have bad intentions, they just want me to be happy. But, I don't think they realize.. I don't want to do this. I'll try for them, though!

3:08 P.M. Wednesday, September 15. Zoey's POV.

I get home from school. I take off my backpack, and put it on the floor.

"Hey, Zoey!" My mum smiled, "Did anything new happen today?"

"Well.. Yes."

"What happened, dearie?"

"I, uh, got a b0yfriend like you asked."

"Yes!!" My mum exclaimed, in shock. "Thank you! I'm so proud of you! Make sure to always go shopping!"

"Yes, mum."

3:16 P.M. Tuesday, September 28. Zoey's POV.

I walk home. I go to my room, put my backpack on my bed, and I take out my math homework.
"Zoey!" I hear my p4rents calling for me.

I go to the l1ving room, I see my parents.

"Hey, honey! Has anything-"

"No." I say. I was tired, so I was a bit rude.

"Darling, are you okay?" My m0ther asks me. "..Would you like to... Make a deal?"

"Uhh.. what? ..Tell me the deal."

"You seem to be a bit.. attached. But, that's okay! I'll give you an option, maybe you can be a bit more.. optimistic? You get another l0ver, you won't have to use drew as much as you do now."


"Now, don't y3ll, pl3ase.

I took a breath. I thought about this for a minute.

"If I don't have to use drew as much, I-ill do anything."

"So.. you'll get another l0ver?"


"Great! I'll order pizza in a few minutes, do you want olives?"

"Thanks, and I don't like olives-"

Flashback ends

"I.." Drew silently said. He was pretty shocked.. probably. "Wow."

"Drew I.. I'm so s0rry for everything I did, i-"

"No! No, it's okay, I don't fully trust you, but.. I'll give you a second chance. I should've asked you first! I'm just h4ppy you're okay!"

We both got a notification on our phones a few seconds later. It was from our teacher..

this teacher who has no confidence: "Hello! I'm s0rry if this is a bit weird, but i-is it possible for you to inform all of your classmates about a school trip we're going on this week? (Monday - Friday) if you're not able to go, that's fine, just pl3ase tell the students about it, pl3ase!.. if you can't do that either, uhh tell another classmate to do it or something.. uh, goodbye! And t-thank you!!"

Zoey (you): "Ok? How is it possible to stutter in text, though????"

I was a bit confused, but.. I guess we have to do this, now?

Author: AAA FINALLY I FINISHED THIS CHAPTER! I know this took so long, but I hope the wait was worth it! I'm so s0rry for the angst, the next chapters I'll try not to make it too sad! I'm thinking about making a bonus chapter, so I might make that! Hopefully this wasn't disappointing 😅 Also, Zoey looks a bit different in the cover! That's because I re-designed all the characters in my style, haha! Rosy didnt do a bad job making the characters, of course! I just make them look different for fun!! Anyways- yeah so tysm for reading, I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye!!

Chapter made on March 11, 2022

833 words

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