"I am, can you handle a little family competition?" Harlan asked and the laughed. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked to see Richard standing behind me.

"She isn't a toy you two." Richard said. My pulse quicken at his touch and I looked at Ransom. I handed him my drink.

"I am going to use the restroom before dinner, excuse me." I said and everyone watched me leave the room. I walked past the bathroom and went into the library. I saw a staircase in the back corner, leading to the upper deck of the library. I rushed up the stairs. I needed to be somewhere to calm down. Being with Richard was too hard. I was leaning on the railing trying to catch my breath.

"Gorgeous." I heard Ransom said coming up the stairs.

"Ransom, you cant be in here with me." I said and he groaned.

"I don't give a shit. I needed to check on you." Ransom said and I didn't care anymore and I wrapped my arms around his midsection and he pulled me close to him and just held me. After a few minutes we heard dinner being announced and I sighed letting Ransom go.

"Keep him away from me Ransom." I said and he nodded. I walked down the steps and left the library and then was met by Harlan in the main hallway.

"Dinner is service my dear." Harlan said and I linked his arm. We walked to the table and then Ransom appeared. I was sitting beside Harlan at the side since he was at the head of the table. Ransom came in and sat next to me and I smiled at him. During dinner I felt Ransom's hand on my knee drawing little circles with his thumb trying to keep my calm. After dinner and dessert everyone was heading back to the sitting room.

"Ransom, Tiffany, can I see you both in my office please?" Harlan said and I smiled.

"Yeah sure." I said and Ransom just nodded and we started to walk to the office.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Linda asked.

"I just want to talk to the kids for a minute." Harlan said and we all walked into the office and Harlan shut the door. He walked behind his desk to sit down.

"So how long has this been going on?" Harlan asked. Ransom and I looked at him confused.

"I don't know what you mean Harlan?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Sweetie, please don't treat me like an old fool." Harlan said and I looked at Ransom. He sighed.

"When did you notice?" Ransom said and I smacked his arm.

"Ransom..." I groaned.

"He already knows!" Ransom said and I sighed.

"I saw you two in the library." Harlan said and I sighed and looked at the floor.

"It's new, like really new." I said and Ransom chuckled.
"Not that new. Since she has been working for mom. I have been seeing her every day at the coffee shop. But we just started being serious last night." Ransom said and I nodded.

"Why so secretive?" Harlan asked.

"Because Linda told both off us the other was off limits." I said and Harlan groaned.

"My daughter thinks she always knows better but I think you two are perfect for each other. When are you saying something?" Harlan said.

"We are waiting a little bit." I said and Ransom sighed.

"Why not tonight?" Ransom asked and I groaned.

"No Ransom, we worked this out earlier. We wanted it to be just us." I said and Ransom sighed.

"She's right Ransom, just give it time. Thanksgiving is coming. I will give you until Thanksgiving to tell your mother." Harlan said and I knew that was 3 weeks away.

"Also one more thing...." Harlan said and I sighed.

"What else can there be?" Ransom asked.

"Richard." Harlan said and I started shaking and Ransom quickly pulled me close to him and held on me to.

"He tried to do something at mom's birthday." Ransom said.

"He pinned me against a bookshelf and felt me up." I said ad Harlan slammed his fist on the desk.

"Have you told Linda?" Harlan asked.

"You think mom would still be with him or Tiff would still have a job?" Ransom asked.

"Thanksgiving Ransom, all of it." Harlan said and I groaned.

"Ransom....I can't have that come out." I said and Ransom kissed my forehead.

"Grandfather give us time." Ransom said.

"Thanksgiving you two." Harlan said and I sighed and just nodded.

"Fine, Thanksgiving." I said and Harlan nodded.

"I will give you two a minute." Harlan said and went to leave the office.

"Oh and by the way...." Ransom spoke up and Harlan stopped.

"Yeah?" Harlan asked.

"She knows how to play Go and beat me." Ransom said and I smiled at him.

"Well looks like you have to come play me sometime." Harlan said.

"Name the time and place Harlan." I said and he winked at me and left the office leaving Ransom and I inside. Ransom placed a hand on my cheek and ran his thumb over my bottom lip.

"I need to kiss you gorgeous." Ransom said and I smiled.

"Then you better do it handsome." I said and he leaned in and passionately kissed me.

"So now we have to discuss telling your mom." I said and Ransom sighed.

"I will talk to her." Ransom said and I shook my head.

"Together Ransom, whatever the consequences. I mean if she fires me Harlan will give me a job." I said and Ransom laughed.

"We will work it out Tiff." Ransom said.

"We got each other's back Clydesdale." I said and he rolled his eyes and kissed me again. 

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