Part 1 - The Creation, Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - The Creation-

      Before the world and all its wonders were created, there was the Void. Its vast emptiness and sheer blackness stretched on for an eternity. All that resided within the Void were two beings. The first, known as Atheslia, or the Goldscale, was the Creator of Life and the Mother of All. The second, he was her brother, and was known as Zaten, or the Silverscale.

            Over the countless years of their existence, Zaten became jealous of Atheslia’s power to create, while he could only destroy. In lust of rage, he attacked her. His claws and teeth cut her, slicing away bits of her golden scales off into the Void. Atheslia could barely understand why he would attack her, but her fury was greater than her remorse, so she retaliated.

            She swung her fists and claws, gnashed and snapped her teeth at him, breaking off his silver scales, they too going off into the Void. After Zaten took the blows from his sister, he fell down upon his knees. The attack was far too great for him to endure, and he soon perished afterwards, falling onto his side in a heap. His sister saw what she had done, and her fury soon died down, and her normal disposition returned. She saw her brother, now dead, and the blood upon her claws. She felt weak from not only her retaliation, but also from his attack earlier, and she could feel her life shrinking away by the minute.

            In an act of desperation, Atheslia gathered all the scales that had broken from the both of them into one area of the Void. She took the largest percentage of her own that had broken off and formed the first planet Kem, meaning Life. She then took the largest percentage of her brother’s broken scales and formed the third and last last planet, Sket, meaning Death.

            Afterwards, she took the remainder and formed the second planet, Tarase, meaning World. After she saw was she created and was satisfied with it, she removed her brother’s soul, or Skoba, and trapped it within the first moon of Tarase, which was named after him. As a precaution, and a way to keep the planet guarded from her brother’s sinister ways, Atheslia took a portion of her fury, and incased within the second moon, which came to be known as Sevno, meaning Fire, for it shown dark red no matter the time of year.

            Just as Atheslia was about to admire her work, she felt her heart cease and as the last creation she would make, she created the star that would shine bright upon the world of Tarase, and in turn of the creation, she allowed her soul to be put within the star, so she may keep the new form of life she created alive, for as long as she could bear.

            As the star Ate, or Atheslia, burned on, life began to come forth upon the second world from the formations that Atheslia created. The first to arrive on the Blaca Tarlek, or Big Earth, were the Brownscales. The Brownscales came forth from the rock, hardening and solidifying like mud and stone. The Bluescales then arrived, forming from the foam of the sea, and the shells of the ocean and founded their home on Skeneb Tarlk, or Small Earth. Then, the Redscales, who were born from the firey heart of the planet, came forth and settled on the middle island, . The Whitescales, who came from the cold, ice and snow, settled in the high North. The Yellowscales, formed from the sands and heat of the sun in the vast desert. Then, the Blackscales, who rose from the murky depths of the swamp.

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