Chapter 12

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   Once everyone left the Aftons family's home except for William he went to the garage to see if the monitors would work this time "They better I'm already in a pissed mood" he got a call earlier this morning from someone explaining what happened to his place.

   He turned it on and surprisingly it worked this time. Showed Gregory walking out his room then coming back in with his matches. "What the hell does he need those for?" 

     Then the camera glitches out for a good while just as he was about to just shut it off. It showed Gregory not in the room with a chair to the door. William thought for a while "He wouldn't…he didn't" then it showed him coming back in with burned cloths then it glitches again showing nothing. "Oh…he's a dead son of a bitch once I'm done with him!" he was pissed.


    It was now morning Freddy woke up, got ready and made breakfast for Gregory. Then he and Gregory got ready and headed towards the restaurant. Once they got in Gregory was greeted with a hug by Charlie "I'm so happy that you could make it!" Freddy went over to the adults to talk and just in case William comes he can distract him. 

   She then dragged Gregory towards the table full of kids. Then they both sat down and talked for a while then another kid came and got Charlie "Do you want to come play with us?" Gregory shook his head "No I'll be fine for a while go have fun"

   Once they were out of sight Gregory went to go look around looking in every door he passed a couple adults and heard one of them say "Hey did you hear about that fire that started at that Circus Baby place?" "No, how do you think that happened?" "Well I heard it was cause of a oil leakage" the women gasps "People could have gotten hurt thank god I did not take my child there even coming here was hard enough especially with those missing children"

   Gregory sharply inhaled *That's right I'm doing this for Cassidy, Susie and the other children…I will not fail no matter how long it takes* He walked down a far hallway and saw a door he turned to Evan "Keep an eye out for me" Evan nodded his head then Gregory went inside. 

    Right when he walked in he felt like he was being watched. He looked around and saw nothing anywhere. *Damn it!* Then he walked out and looked towards Evan. "I thought you said they would be there?" "They should be unless…oh god" he looked disgusted.

   Then Gregory asked "What is it?" "If they're not in parts and services in the spare suits then…they have to be there" he turned his head to look at the stage then Gregory did. "Oh god what a dumb and sick man…" he then took deep breaths.

    "Alright let's go back to the party" once they got there they couldn't see Charlie Gregory was looking all over. Then he saw kids walking away laughing and banging noises. He walked over to see what was going on and saw Charlie outside. Banging on the doors trying to get in he ran to the door and opened it. And pulled her in she was crying and was wet since it was raining.

    "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" She shouted while trying to calm herself down from the crying. "They pushed me outside and locked me out!" He hugged her "Its okay I'm here now" Gregory had a shocked and angry expression *Those kids took this way too far she could have gotten hypothermia!*

     He then let go "I'll go get your father to dry you off" Once they got Henry and told him what happened Henry made sure to tell the kids parents. He then thanked Gregory and walked away with his daughter. *Glad that's over with better go get freddy so we can leave*



     He found him and then they left the place "Did you find anything Gregory?" He then explained to Freddy what they had found out instead of evidence. "If they are there then shouldn't we call the police right away?" He looked down "No they won't believe us without any evidence…plus we have to make sure that there"

    "I see" once they got to the house Freddy made dinner and Gregory ate then went to bed. Freddy had to go back to the place for work and to see if he could find anything. Once he was dreaming he was visited by other kids besides Evan tonight.

   He saw Cassidy, Susie and three other boys there Evan was next to him. Gregory looked at the two girls "Is this just a dream or are you guys actually here?" Cassidy grinned "Oh were real all right" 

    Gregory didn't know what to say other than "Why are you guys here anyways?" Susie then spoke up "We saw that you were trying to help and…were thankful for that but we don't want him to be locked up" he looked shocked and confused "Why not?" Cassidy then spoke up "We want him dead" 

    Gregory looked over at Evan. He didn't say anything but had his head down. He then looked up with a pained expression "I know he's my father but what he did was wrong and he needs to pay for his doings" 

   Cassidy put a hand on his shoulder "I know this must be hard for you to do but you're doing the right thing. He won't be able to hurt anyone else once he's gone" She then turned to Gregory "Well here's what we need you to do for us and then leave the rest up to us" 

    She then explained the plan to him then she asked "Got everything?" Gregory replied "Yes I got everything I'll see what I can do for my part" "Great well be leaving now…thanks by the way and being friends with me and Susie" She grinned "And it was fun fighting people with you and Elizabeth" then they all left waving goodbye. 

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