Fated Night! A Needed Night Out!

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While Christopher was celebrating his experiment being a huge success, Will went back to work on his project to work on the web shooters he was trying to make. He referred back to his notes to work on something extra for them and rewired something inside of it. He figured that they should be functional but something subtle so it needed to function as something else at the same time. So what would be something subtle that only he would be able to recognize it?...a watch! He could design it so the web shooters could connect to be a watch, but then come apart just as easily to be the two web shooters again! It would take some time, but that was fine by him. He started to figure out how to do that as he put earbuds in his music player so he could work better without too much to frustrate him.

He would be working for about an hour and a half and it seemed to be a quarter of the way done. Sure a lot of mishaps happened along the way, but he was starting to see progress on the "camouflage feature". It would fit well with the spider theme too he thought. It wouldn't be like the Black Arachnid guy's camouflage power, but it was still a subtle way of doing that. He stretched ever so slightly, noticing he was...a little more flexible than usual....he must've been more tense in his back than he thought was his answer. He then checked his phone to see some missed calls... from Johnny of all people. "What could he want at this time?" He asked curiously as he started to call him back.

"Yo you've reached The Great Johnny himself! How can I make your day several times better!" Johnny answered in the most suave way he could.

Will of course wasn't going to fall for that charm. He knew his friend's tricks better than anyone. "Yeah you can start by telling me why you called me like.....twenty times. Literally." He answered with his usual cool and collected tone.

Johnny's eyes widened slightly as he heard his friend's voice. "Eyyyy Tough Guy! You're finally back from the dead!* He said happily. "Listen here, there's a sick drag race in an hour just outside of Harlem. You gotta show up!" He told Will leaning on a pole. "I hear Gwen Stacy is showin up with her two friends, Janet and Reileigh!" He tried to say that as cool as he could....and as sexy as possible if he was honest.

The curly haired boy groaned at his friend's vocal pattern recognizing anywhere. "I'm supposed to be grounded....but that's fine. I'll do it if you promise to not be as creepy as you just sounded just now." He promised Johnny.

Johnny instantly showed how happy he was to hear Will's response. "Done deal buddy boy! Just get here ASANOW!" He then hung up putting his hands in his own pockets trying to get a good view on each girl.

The curly haired troublemaker walked down the stairs ready to leave. "Where do you think you're going?" Christopher asked him before he could even reach the front door.

Will sighed trying to keep his cool. "I'm going out with my friends." He answered trying to show he wanted peace.

Christopher was still in his lab looking out toward his son. "You're grounded remember? Not even an hour and a half ago when I did so?" He asked him in a condescending tone.

"Look, I didn't know your science project was important to you! I just killed it since it bit me and I didn't know how else to react!" He explained to Christopher.

But Christopher still didn't care about what he had to say. "I don't want to hear your excuses again and again! Especially after you ruined my life's work!" He told him, showing he once again only heard so much of what his son had to say.

Will went to face his father not able to hide his anger any longer. "Mom would've heard me out! She'd listen to what I have to say!" He shouted out to him.

Christopher then faced Will showing some anger in his eyes as well. "Well I'm not mom! You're not with your mom now!" He shot back at Will.

"Don't remind me of that nightmare!" Will retorted as he punched a wall leaving a small hole. Once again, weak walls that weren't taken well care of.

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