The Jedi Knight stowed that in the back of his mind as Evander continued to talk about Aetherian mythology and the many different myths surrounding the deities. Anakin tried to stay interested, but he was too busy trying to sort out the information in his mind.


By the time Anakin returned to the palace grounds, Obi-Wan was with the guard as he offered his knowledge to train the recruits. Koa was shouting orders and other commands to the groups. Milo and Dacre helped him by making sure they didn't goof off.

"Master," he alerted Obi-Wan of his presence, and the Jedi Master stepped off to the side to converse with him.

"How was your lesson with the High Priest?" he asked, chuckling at the way Anakin reacted like his soul had been sucked out of his body. "Come on, it couldn't have been that bad."

"It was boring," Anakin ran his hand through his hair and sighed. "But I did learn about this prophecy about the two creation deities, Lumen and Mora. He was rather eager to share it with me."

Obi-Wan furrowed his brow in thought at the news. A new prophecy? Evangeline had never told him about any prophecies, so it must have been something that Evander knew personally. He could check his theory with the princess later as Anakin took his master's silence to continue. "From what I gathered, it's that Lumen has limited connection with the mortal world. She connects through her patrons, and if they disappear, she's locked away and unable to connect with Aetherius."

"And I guess that she is locked away now, unable to connect to the mortal plane?"

Anakin nodded to confirm his former master's theory. "Her last known patron was Helen Knightly, who passed away years ago."

Obi-Wan nodded slowly as he processed all the new information, unsure what to do with it. "I wonder why Lumen hasn't found a new patron yet. Perhaps it'd be wise to ask Evangeline, she's quite keen on the details of her religious system."

The two Jedi left the guards for their training and trekked up to the palace. After returning, Adam resumed his duties as King. One of those duties meant he had to meet with Aetherian citizens today and listen to their complaints about things in the kingdom. However, since the kingdom was run rather smoothly, many didn't have much to complain about unless it had to do with personal property.

Obi-Wan and Anakin entered the throne room quietly, listening to the farmer's voice as he voiced his grievances. "This is the third sheep I've seen go missing, your majesties," his tone of voice betrayed how frustrated he was with the situation. "I thought maybe it was a fox or some other predator sneaking into the barn, but I'm sure I would have found the carcass nearby."

"And this hasn't happened before, Mr. Gardier?" Adam asked while Eve shifted in her seat, deep in thought. This was the third farmer who had come in with the same situation.

"No, Your Majesty. Our cattle are mostly left alone. It's bizarre."

"I agree with Mr. Gardier, this is rather bizarre. I can't recall a moment in our history where we've experienced the same problem." Eve stated with a sigh. It was a problem that had no current solutions. "Let us know if any more cattle go missing, Mr. Gardier. I'm sure we will be more than happy to compensate for your losses."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Mr. Gardier bowed and left the throne room, fixing his hat on his head. No other citizens were waiting to speak with the king, so they both stood, dismissed for the afternoon. Adam took his leave in the courtyard while Eve joined Obi-Wan's side to ask about his morning.

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