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(n). a place where one feels safe, a place from which one's strength of character is drawn


Two days had passed since Adam's coronation, and Anakin was restless.

They had been sent to Aetherius to protect the recently crowned prince and his family from any potential threats, but since their arrival, there hadn't been any threats. When the two Jedi weren't doing their duty protecting the royal family, they spent time with the royal guard improving their techniques as swordsmen.

On a day like today, Anakin found himself bored. It was a sunny afternoon and both the princess and the king were spending time with the Aetherian children attending their lesson in the cathedral, something they had started doing a few years ago. Obi-Wan stood by his side, attentive to the group of children that was listening to Adam tell them a story while Eve kept them focused on her brother.

"Master, I'm beginning to doubt there was any threat in the first place." Anakin expressed his doubt after a moment of silence, letting his gaze shift from the group to Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan drew in a deep breath, knowing that sooner or later, Anakin would have brought this up. He was always on the move, and having to stay on this planet for too long was getting to him. "It was the same way when I was here ten years ago, but something feels different this time."

"You say that, but you could just be paranoid because you're in love with the princess."

The Jedi Master scoffed. "I am not in love with her."

The former padawan rolled his eyes. "Sure."

Laughter erupted from the group of children, causing a smile to appear on both of the Jedi's faces. Deep down, Obi-Wan didn't want to leave yet. Granted he was still unsure about their threat disappearing, but it seemed that the royal family wasn't in any immediate danger. "I agree with you, Anakin," he spoke after gathering his thoughts. "However, I think it would be in our best interest if we stayed through Coniunx Mea next week. If nothing happens by then, we will report to the council and leave Aetherius."

Anakin nodded in agreement to his terms. Despite his cocky nature, he also wanted to make sure that no one was in danger here. If there still was a threat, then it would be their fault for not taking care of it. In a similar way, that's what had got Satine killed, and he doubted Obi-Wan would have been able to forgive himself if any harm came to the princess or her family.

The Knight was pulled out of his thoughts when some little girls ran up to them, tugging on their robes to join the circle. Obi-Wan immediately followed after them, rolling his eyes and calling for Anakin to join them. With a sigh and a smile, he reluctantly let the little girls pull him over to the group. Adam let Eve take over for the storytelling, and told them the story about a famous knight and the princess he was supposed to watch over while she traveled the kingdom.

They stayed until the sun began to set. The children hurried on their way to their homes, and the Jedi walked silently behind the siblings as they talked about Coniunx Mea. Obi-Wan caught Eve mentioning something along the lines of her dress, and he found himself unable to contain his excitement.

"Excuse me, your highness, your majesty," Anakin grabbed their attention and the siblings slowed their pace so the two Jedi could catch up. "I've heard this event mentioned a few times, Coniunx Mea. Master Kenobi has mentioned it once or twice, but I was wondering if I could get an explanation from one of you?"

The princess's smile grew tenfold at the mention of her favorite holiday. "Coniunx Mea is the soulmate ball," she began to explain. "We celebrate the deity Conamen and according to the legend, that's where you find your soulmate."

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