We need to talk

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Sanemis pov

Cuss warning

Sanemi has decided to talk to Giyuu again since it has been a week they haven't spoken to each other

Sanemi still can't understand what his feelings are about Giyuu. Is it love? Or hatred? Or maybe even both

Sanemi just desperately wants to talk to Giyuu since he has been feeling like someone dropped the worst news of his life onto his back

Sanemi just sits at the front of his house outside getting some air and thinking about Giyuu

Sanemis thoughts: Giyuu should be back now from visiting Uzui so this is the perfect chance to talk to him

Giyuu: Shinazugawa...

Sanemi looks up to find Giyuu standing in front of him

Giyuu: I wanted to talk to you
Sanemi: me too... uh come inside

Sanemi and Giyuu are sitting down in Sanemis room with the door closed

Giyuu: I wanted to apologize if I said anything wrong the other day I didn't mean to make you upset
Sanemi: You didn't do anything wrong... it was me I shouldn't have yelled

It was silent for a moment then Giyuu spoke up

Giyuu: I also wanted to talk about something else...
Sanemi: which is?
Giyuu: Tanjiro told me everytime you talk to me he seems to pick up a nervous scent from you

Sanemis thoughts: what the fuck?! That brat God I hate him so much

Sanemi: really?
Giyuu: yes and I wanted to ask do I really make you nervous? Is it something I do...

Sanemis heart hurts of the thought that Giyuu blames himself on almost everything he does as if he is a burden which gets Sanemi angry

Sanemi: you aren't doing anything wrong damn it! Its fucking me! whoever told you or made you think you always do everything wrong is an asshole don't ever listen to them!

Sanemi didn't realize he was now grabbing Giyuu by his shoulders and their faces were now inches apart

Giyuu: thank you... Shinazugawa...

Giyuu says this as he starts tearing up which makes Sanemi feel bad

Sanemi: Call me Sanemi...
Giyuu: Then call me Giyuu

Sanemi starts making eye contact with Giyuu and starts getting flustered

Sanemi: Giyuu I-

The next thing he knew Giyuu pulled him in for a kiss he wasn't expecting

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