"I guess." She replied hesitantly.

The following Sunday, I went to the underworld. Father was probably busy now, so I went to Alecto and did my underworld training. I've gotten pretty good at them now. When I went to eat lunch, Father was already there.

“Father!” I bowed. “ I had a question.”

“Well, the answer is yes. He and his wife have died or rather chose to die, one can only tolerate so many assassinations and robbery attempts you know. It can’t be destroyed by mortal methods. Well, it can, but powerful things like this tend to release a huge amount of energy when destroyed. So he left it with his apprentice to safeguard. Your job is to retrieve it. Sacrifice it in the fire. It should come here to me. Your friend can help. ” He said simply.

 It's probably a godly thing but he always knows what I am about to ask and answers them without being asked. I should have been used to it by now, but it still weirds me out.

 “Okay, father.”

I wandered the underworld for a while, flying around here on Skotos. Then I returned to Hogwarts.

Lou was already waiting for me. "What did he say?"

"Yes, it's the philosopher's stone, and he's given me the task of retrieving it. Since, it has changed hands, it cannot be allowed to remain in the mortal world any longer."

“Okay! But how exactly? Cerberus can't be the only form of defense."

"we'll see, I guess. Cerberus, on the other hand, can be talked to, and she may listen to me. I can always use music if that isn't an option. Then I'll send the clone first."

It was simple to talk with Cerberus. She didn't attack me as I was Hades' son. Even though she has never visited the underworld, she is still a creature of the underworld. And since father has recognized me as his son and prince, she had respect for me. It was more difficult to persuade her to let us through the trap door though. She seemed to respect Hagrid for looking after her even though she didn't like being here, so she took the job he assigned her very seriously. But I was able to persuade her by promising to take her to the underworld as well when I visited.

We had to monitor the corridor for a week to see when and who visited so that fluffy's (its the name of cerberus by the way. I know it doesn't seem fitting for a Cerberus, but Hagrid had already named her and she had accepted it, so I can't do anything about it.) journey to the underworld could be planned around it. It wasn't a difficult task either. Only Hagrid visited her, and he is easily distracted.

I had also stopped spying on Quirrell for a while. We don't know what safeguards are in place around the stone, and I can't risk going there when I'm not at full strength.

Fluffy let us through only after her third trip to the underworld. So we went to the corridor late at night and then sent a clone through the trapdoor to inspect it. Its memory came about a minute later. I grimaced.

There is a deadly vine down there where you land. It suffocates everything that touches it. I can shadow travel right next to it.” Then I Shadow traveled me and Lou right next to the deadly vine. We then walked through a stone passageway. I could hear the gentle drip of water trickling through the walls. It looked as if we were underground but I couldn’t sense anything like I normally do when I am underground. It was very confusing like my eyes and my godly sense were saying two different things. We weren’t actually underground but some kind of magical space between the third and second floor. Wait a minute! If it’s a magical space-

“Oi Lou! I think we are in some magical space. Maybe, you can sense something here as I can underground.” “Maybe. I will give it a shot.” Lou frowned and then closed her eyes as if trying to concentrate. "I can definitely sense something. It’s hard to make sense of, though. It’s like we are in different another dimension. Wait a minute. I think there is a total of seven chambers here including the Cerberus and that vine one. Other than that I can’t say anything clearly. I can’t really interpret it. There are other weird places like this through the castle. They are interconnected someway. This place I can say was added recently and is separate from that connection.”

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