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"What the actual fuck!!!"

Micheal stormed up to Mires desk and slammed his hands down making a thud sound.
Mire covered his mouth with a chuckle as Micheal loomed over him with bruises and a bloody lip.

You stood up quickly and watched the scene begin to unfold.

"What the fuck?! Why was I dragged into that Mob training shit Mire?!" Micheal yelled and Mire leaned forward with a smile.
"Oh? You thought you were gonna get easy work huh?"
"I didn't expect those big ass men to drag me out my chair and take me to the 'training room' where I got the shit beat out of me!!" Micheal shouted while raising his voice.

You'd never actually seen Micheal get so worked up before. Usually he would channel his anger with a sly remark or brush it off.
Otherwise, he was usually smiling.
Or what he called "smiling".

How'd he manage to get his ass kicked on his first day?

You let out a small giggle at the thought and immediately covered your mouth.
Mire glanced at you with a smile.

"Seriously Mire! I wanted to work for you with equal footing due to our intelligence!!"
"You're right Micheal.. I can't run the regular company and oversea the mafia and mob at the same time. So I figured you could do that. Although you do need to toughen up.. so I let you get to know them up close" Mire smirked and Micheal rolled his eyes.

He pushed his red hair back and let out a deep breath.

"I'm the one running the illegal shit? Why don't you do that and I be in this office?" Micheal grinned a bit snarky and Mire raised an eyebrow.
"Who owns this building again?"
"Tsk.." Micheal scoffed and glanced at you.
"You know Mire.."

Micheal started again and you didn't know what to expect from his mouth.

"Are you sure you want me running the mob part? I could turn them all against you and overthrow this company myself.."
Mire laughed loudly.
"Didn't they all just beat your ass trying to train you? Not to mention if you did turn them against me.. I have the police on my side aswell. So I advice you stop throwing a fit and keep your threats to yourself~"

The two of them clashed as each other and you listened to their psychological tactics closely.
"And what about Y/n??"
"What about her?? Her lipgloss?" Mire spat.

Micheal didn't refute as he gritted his teeth in defeat.

Mire looked at you and waved his finger for you to come closer.
You went over to the two males and you knew Mire had something up his sleeve.

"Fine Mr. Sholts, I'll give you an opportunity to stay within this building.. but Ms. L/n will decided~"
"What?!" You and Micheal yelled in unison as Mire hid his smirk.

He was enjoying this.

"So Y/n.. what will it be? Should Micheal stay or go work in the other area of the company?"

Mires question was simple and innocent enough but you wished you weren't involved.

If you say Micheal should stay, Mire will get suspicious and upset with you.
If you say Micheal should leave, he most likely won't survive with his straight forward attitude and sarcastic whit, which might anger the thugs.
Micheal does have a good sense of humor and great people skills unlike Mire. So why didn't Micheal want to run that other side of the company?

Besides the tough training.. was there any other reason he didn't want to go?

And did Mire know this reason?

I'm sure Micheal will live..

"Micheal has good people skills and he's very charismatic, so I think he'll be perfect when working with people like Kea, who are uneducated and only do dirty work"
You stated and they both stared at you surprised, making you laugh a bit awkwardly.
"It was just an observation!"

Mire frowned and Micheal scratched his neck a bit awkwardly and flustered.

What is he frowning for?! He's the one who brought me into their petty argument..

"I didn't think of it that way.." Micheal trailed off and Mire rolled his eyes, "I guess I am kind of perfect for the job"

Mire sort of scoffed as he cut his eyes at you.


Mire called someone and an old woman came up and escorted Micheal to his new area, leaving you and Mire alone to finish work.


"Charismatic huh?" Mire said annoyed while driving home in the company car.
"Can you chill out?"
"Chill out?? All you had to say was one word which was leave, not call him perfect for the job and boost his head up.."
"Excuse me? You were trying to boost yourself up by getting me involved!! All because of some stupid lipgloss.. you really need to quit the petty jealousy" You rolled your eyes and looked out the window and he ignored your comment.

"What Y/n? Am I not social enough to run the mob side? I've been running both sides just fine before I even hired him.." Mire spat jealously and you couldn't believe him.
"Mire I never said anything like that! Will you just drop it for once? I honestly could care less."
"Care less?!?" Mire stopped the car and looked at you.

"Oh my god.." You groaned as you knew he was about to start another argument.
"I can run this whole company by myself, that just means I'd have less time with you.. which is not what I want. That's the only reason I even have Micheal here!"
Mire told you as you stared out the window.
"Okay.." you trailed off and Mire grabbed your arm.
"Are you listening?!"
"Yes I'm listening to your bullshit!! You're tripping Mire.."
"I'm tripping?!" He spat and you removed his arm from yours.
"Can't you be content for two seconds? Geez.." You crossed your arms angry and Mire went silent.



Twisted love (Obsessive boyfriend x reader 2!!)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα