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          I wake up muggy in my own sweat. The dream sending chills down my spine. I don't think I can ever look at David the same way.

          I'm in the pitch-black darkness. There is nothing for what I think is miles in this crepuscule. Suddenly there is a light merely lighting up a building in the distance. In a haze I walk towards the light, mesmerized by how it's antithesis against the inky darkness. Once inside the dusty, decrepit building I see a set of eight doors lined on the inside walls of the building. Deciding against this eerie building I quickly turn to find the door gone. I reach for the first door to find it locked, as are the rest of them except one. The last one I try opens with a creek you would only find in a scary movie. Standing in the middle of the poorly-lighten room is David, a gentle smile on his face. I try to turn and runaway but suddenly my feet are mounted to the floorboards. "Hello, beautiful," he says a sinister smile on his face.

          That's when awoke at six in the morning, afraid of my own shadow. Does this dream concur my suspicions or is this just my childish mind coming in to play. I can't help but wonder what his intentions are. I scoff sounding like an overprotective father. Who Aunt Steph dates is none of my concern, nor do I want it to be.

          The only thing that motivates me to get up after an hour of intense thinking is Reily. I get up groggy from a bad nights rest and make the horrid decision of a cold shower to wake me up. While it did the job at the end I couldn't resist and turned it warm.

          I got the urge to make a look nice and at school put myself out there. I dress presentable in a navy and grey hippie-looking dress my mom picked for me to actually wear on the first day of school. I pull on my brown boots and fail to resist the habit of covering myself so I add a dare I say it... pink sweater. It's actually not that bad since the pink has a dark gray tint to it.

          When I walk downstairs I hear David's voice in the kitchen and freeze in my tracks. I try to quietly make my way towards my bag as quietly as possible but with these shoes on I missed a step and made an echo with heel of my boot. I instantly curse my mom for making me get heeled boots due to the fact I'm "growing up".

          "Morning, Lennox," Aunt Steph's voice booms from the kitchen.

          I walk into the kitchen giving up any escape plans I had devised in my head in those moments of weakness. David is leaning his back into the counter like yesterday while Aunt Steph is making scrambled eggs.

          "Are you hungry?" She asks handing me a plate of distasteful smelling food.

          "Sure." I reply hiding my repugnance towards the plate of watery eggs and burned bacon, however she managed to not blacken the toast which I'm guessing was made by David.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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