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0.0 prologue

It was one of the longest weekends of my life. I had just finished work. I got home and threw myself onto my bed, i didn't even have the energy to take off my shoes or my jacket..

I lay there for hours, staring at the same four walls just like i had done every night before. I dreaded every day that weekend. I knew I would have to go back in a few days and live the same day over and over again. I was so tempted to quit my job and run away with my best friend.  I finally got up and dragged myself to the kitchen for a snack, my cupboard was empty and so was the fridge. A few moments later i hear my phone ringing in my bedroom..

"ur a wee rat, why aren't you on the way yet?"

"shut up chloe, when did u even
say u wanted me to come over"

"do i have to ask? just bloody come"

"fine! i'll be there soon"

"hurry up"

end of call

i finally got there around nine o'clock. I said id be there around seven but let's be honest, when am i ever early?

We sat in silence most of the night, enjoying each other's company. it was never awkward, we were just boring and had nothing to do or talk about. we had already wasted our time swiping back and forth on tinder and taking the piss out of men in our city. There was barely any attractive men on that stupid app -well our type anyway- men here are disgusting. All they want is sex, drugs and to party every night. We didn't want a boy like that..Why couldn't we just meet someone nice and live happily ever after just like in the movies??

It was 3.00am... Chloe had already been sleeping for hours at this point. Something told me to check my spam email. I opened up my laptop and started to log into my email, I scrolled for a few minutes and sure enough! there was one there...

donotreply 17/01/2018
scotlands school of film and TV are pleased
to invite you to attend a group interv...

"what?? this can't be real"
i clicked the email and there it was...

'scotland's school of film and TV are pleased to invite you to attend a group interview on 18/03/18 at 3.10pm

if you cannot attend this interview please get in touch with us no later than the 17th of march so we can offer a place to someone else.

we look forward to seeing you soon.'

SHUT THE FUCK UP???? SHUT UPPPPP!!! i screamed with excitement! it was 3am and i could not shut up about it. I even forgot for a second that chloe had applied for a college course too. She had been waiting -just like me- for monthsss! we both started to give up hope!

it's 3am amy!! wtf is all the noise about?

check ur spam email! i just opened
mine and saw that the college offered
me an interview !!

ur lying, you can literally go home if ur
just gonna take the piss..


chloe grabbed her laptop and there it was. an email from our college offering us BOTH a interview.. on the same day?? we literally couldn't believe it. This was our dream.

We both logged into our accounts and accepted the interviews with a few hours left before it was closed..

they could've literally gave our
interview to someone else

i know! ur terrible Chloe, imagine
not checking ur spam emails

how did you even think of
checking? i would've missed that!

i wish i knew! can you imagine if we
get it. we're one step closer bestie

AAHHH!!! i'm manifesting it for us

SWEET OCTOBER, TOM HOLLAND Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum