I dont want to go

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~Bella's POV~
I lay in bed as still as a bug in a rug. My father comes in my room
"Rise and shine Bella! Are ya bags packed to go visit ur mother?"
The bright light was so annoying
"Turn off the lights!" I yell
He smirks
"No! Get up! Get ya bags and let's go!"
"You are so annoying" I whinge
"But ya love me" he laughs at his own joke.
I get up and shoo him out of my room so I could get changed. I just threw on a black t-shirt and ripped jeans.
I walk out and brush my teeth and eat a piece of toast
"right Dad, I'm ready let's go"
"Let's go cowgirl!"
I roll my eyes and slightly smirk at him.

~arrived at the ranch~
I grab my bags and kiss my father goodbye and standing outside the car was a lady roughly about 5 and half foot
She had short curly brown hair and wearing sunnies. I get out the car and she attacked me with kisses and hugs.
Yep that's my mum.
"I missed you so much Belle Belle! I have not seen you since you are 8 years old!"
She kissed me again, I swear to god I'm covered in lipstick.
"Hey mum... I uh missed you too....."
She hugged me tighter, I couldn't breath just about!
I grabbed my bags and she ran all the way to the house carrying 1 of my bags, dam she seems fit.
She showed me to my room, horse posters galore. Horses everywhere in this room.
"Thanks mum" I say nervously
She jumps up and down excited
"Tomorrow I'll introduce you to all the people who are employed here, all the horses and even the riders!!!"
She has so much enthusiasm.
~Bella's mums aka Joy POV~
I close Bella's door and let her settle in.
Oh my god, my daughters at my ranch! I so want to go get her and show her everything now, but I guess it's best to let her settle in first.
I see Jim.
He looks at me
"Hey Joy, what's going on?"
"Well Bella, my daughter is in the house settling in!" My cheeks were sore from smiling
"But unfortunately she does not know I'm dating you"
He sighs
"When are we going to tell her?"
I stop smiling
"Now I guess"
"Come on follow me!"
He smirks at my enthusiasm.
We walk into Bella's room and I see she was on her phone listening to music I think to myself "not so much of a country lover"
"Bella deary"
~Bella's POV~
I was looking for new songs to download, I was also listening to "Timber" ATM.
My mother came in and I looked up and pulled my headphones out.
A buff man came in following her, I look at him confused.
"Bella deary"
I look up
"Yes mum?"
"This is Jim, I employed him to work on the ranch when I realised we just click-"
I cut her off
"You are dating aren't yas?"
She nods
"That's fine, I don't mind."
Jim talks, dam he has a deep voice
"Are you sure you don't mind?"
I nod
Mum kisses my forehead and leaves a mark of dark red lipstick.
She giggles at me and walks out with Jim.
~the next day~
The rooster was going off his head at 6:00 AM
I opened my eyes and got up. I seen my mum already dressed and ready to face the day.
She looks at me "oh Bella! You are up early! I thought you were a city a girl!" I look at my mum.
"I may be a city girl but we can get up early plus I use to get up early to help with the horses at the trots, I remember this beautiful appaloosa, she was a bay with a few spots on her face."
My mum listens
"What was the beauty's name?"
"What a pretty name" my mother answers with.
I smile
"How about you get dressed and you can meet the horses"
I smile and get dressed
"Let's go!"
We race to the stables when Jim comes over and said "Joy! Joy! We suspect one of the horses have colic, come right away!"
She nods she looks at me then at this boy and she yells at him
He looks at me
"Hey Bella, I'm Colton I didn't know Joy had a daughter!"
"Well here I am"
We shake hands and he starts introducing me to the horses
"This is Bonny, she's pretty much bombproof, this is Tiffany, she just recently been broken in but I'm sure one day she will be a bombproof horse"
It was nice to meet all the horses when I herd a noise, it was Colton's phone
~Colton's POV~
I'm still sort of shocked Joy has a daughter, I'd love to be Joy's daughter.
She seems so innocent, she also seems sort of cute, oh well I can't get any ideas that would throw me off track!
So far she's met Bonny, Tiffany, Iza, Opal, Rusty and Jj
I nearly got to Clover when my phone went off I look at it
Hey Colton, please don't show Bella Clover as she already knows Clover from the trots and it's her surprise horse for her birthday in a months time, I'll explain more when I see you next
The boss
I write back
What the boss says goes!"
I close up Clovers stall so it's impossible to see her before Bella reached us.
Bella ran up to me and asked me "why are you closing the stall, isn't there a horse in there?"
I start to sweat trying to think of an excuse
She giggles at me
"nawwww is Colton feelin a wittle hot?" (Yes I know I spelt "little" wrong)
I laugh at her and she hands me a towel to wipe away my sweat, she then said "by the way I got it from that guy who was wiping that horses belly with it, I had a sneezing fit
*sneeze* YOU *sneeze* CHEEKY *sneeze* LITTLE *sneeze*
I couldn't say the words and she just kept laughing at me!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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