13~A New Friend

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Muichiro POV 🎭

I woke up as the bus jolted to a stop.  

"Oh right," I mumbled.  "Field trip.  Yay."

"Here's some advice," Genya said from behind me.  "Don't become an actor."

"Cool," I agreed.  A moment later, I realized where I was.  "Hey, why am I on your lap."

"I explained that to you 10 minutes ago."

"......Explain it again?"

He sighed.  "You fell asleep, and I didn't want you to fall into the aisle."

"...Cool," I agreed.

"Time to get off the bus, dipshits!" Mr. Uzui called.  I stood up sleepily, then moved over so Genya could get up as well. 

We got in the line getting off the bus.  As we passed his seat, that shithead Makoto jumped up and got in between us.  He proceeded to grab my ass - again - so I proceeded to kick him in the shin as hard as I could.  "OW!  WHAT THE HELL?!"

The moment he limped off the bus, with the face of someone who'd just gotten his arm cut off, he went to Mr. Uzui.

"Muichiro kicked me in the shin," he groaned, pointing.  "Out of nowhere."

"I don't care," Mr. Uzui replied.

"What!  Why not?" Makoto demanded.

"Well, first, you're annoying," he explained.  "Second, I don't remember who Muichiro is because I don't care who Muichiro is."

"That one," Makoto replied, pointing.  "The girl with the penis!"

Wow.  Okay.

"Oh, Tokito," Mr. Uzui said.  "Tokito, go sit on the bus.  You can't participate in the field trip.  Cause now this dumbass is bothering me cause you kicked him."

"Really?" I cried.  "I get to-  I have to miss it?"  

"Actually, I changed my mind," he replied, raising an eyebrow.  "You seem happy at the idea of missing the field trip, so you will be going, and I will be with you and your partner the entire time."

Damn it.

"Now everyone go choose partners!" He ordered.  "Except for Tanjiro and Kanao, and Genya and Muichiro.  I ship you guys so you're going together."

He walked over to me and Genya.  "We're gonna make a very flashy trio."  He grinned, then addressed everyone.  "Now everyone go have fun!  And if you don't make it back to the buses in two hours, we're leaving without you!  I'm not wasting my precious time on missing children!"

I sighed as Mr. Uzui led us through one of the doors at the museum entrance.

Two hours later, we made our way back to the buses, exhausted by spending two whole hours having quality time with Tengen Uzui.

The next day (Lunch)

Genya wasn't feeling good and stayed in the dorm, and Nezuko and Tanjiro were sitting with Inosuke and Zenitsu, who I can't stand, so I went to sit on my own.

A few minutes later, I was joined by an older but not much taller student with shoulder length black hair and a mask.  He had really pretty eyes.  (AN: Obanai my beloved.)

"Hi?" I said.  He glanced at me.  

"Hi," he replied.  "I didn't notice you, sorry for sitting down without asking.."

"It's fine... I'm Muichiro."


We sat in silence for a few minutes.  I noticed him staring at something on the other side of the cafeteria.  I looked over.  It was that Mitsuri girl.

"You like Mitsuri," I said bluntly.

"I- yeah," he replied. 

A few more minutes of silence.

"Do you like anyone?" He asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

A few more minutes of silence.  (AN: This is based off how me and a good friend met a few years ago- it was so awkward-)

"Who?" He asked.

"Genya," I replied.

"Who?" He repeated.



More silence.

"Uh," I began.  "Do you know how I could tell him...?  I kinda wanna tell him..."

"Um," he replied.  "I don't know... I haven't worked up the courage to tell Mitsuri yet so... Just, like, go up to him and tell him...?  Or write him a note?"

"Okay," I replied.  "I could try a note...  But what if he says no?..."

"Hit him over the head with a shovel and run as fast as those tiny legs can carry you."

I laughed.  "At least I'm only kind of short for my age.  You're in you're last year and you're like a few centimeters taller than a short fourteen year old."

"I'm still growing," he replied, smiling a little.  Well, it looked like he was.  

And that is how two short introverts became good friends.  Why?  Cause the author wanted her two best boys to have a friendship, that's why.  


I intended for this to be longer, but I have to go shovel my grandma's driveway now and I wanted to get it out now so...

Also I decided to name the chapters again so uh I went back and named all the nameless chapters :)

Have a nice day 😊

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